Vor Shinse looked around. She'd been told that this was the place to find the mayor, but the island seemed to be abuzz and few people had time to stop and talk to her properly before being called off to some other task. It was a pain in the neck, both literally and figuratively, since she was hauling around a sack of salvage that she was hoping to sell. Through all the bustle and chaos however, she eventually found the building she'd been directed to, making her way inside and knocking on a doorframe, interrupting an apparent conversation between the mayor and a ghoul. "I was told I need to get permission from you before I could sell on the island." Vor said, not giving either the chance to finish their conversation and not particularly caring what she was cutting in on. She was tired, aching and her haul weighed a proverbial ton, which meant she was in a less cordial mood than usual