[color=gray][h3] Ox[/h3][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Seven Hills City, City Gates Ox accepted the friend request and listened to Silver's plan intently, it seemed as good as any since no one else was speaking up. "[b]Don't worry I'll cover you.[/b]" Ox said confidently and tapped her chest lightly causing a rune to flicker into existence. That would ensure she could take a hit before putting her her , she was prepared to guard the assassin with any combinations of skills necessary. Between and her taunts Ox was confident no one would the harm the squishy blade fighter. Of course then there was the matter that she was severely under leveled for this fight but hey, she should be able to take a couple hits right? At least more than the assassin. Hopefully. As long as they attacked the other tanks for the most part she'd be fine.