[centre][color=cyan]Tam Cobalt - Beacon Academy Courtyard - Monday Morning[/color][/centre] [centre][@Hylianhero][/centre] The airship docked and the ramp slowly descended, with a shudder the engines shut off and the craft grew quite as the waiting first year students pressed forward, excited to get their first look at the famous Beacon academy. Bright morning sunshine shone through the widening gap between the ramp and the ceiling of the airship. Tam grinned as the warm light played across his face and he had to suppress a purr, first impressions are important after all. He tapped his foot impatiently as the ramp etched downwards, it was moving so slowly! An idea formed in his head and he looked about the small airship, he noted that their didn't appear to be any Professors or other people of authority. He looked back at the ramp, still slowly descending and made up his mind. He half crouched and sprang up the ramp, his reaching hands reached the top and he pulled himself over. Shouts of alarm came from inside the airship but Tam didn't hear them. Beacon academy spread out before him, the grand courtyard, with it's fountains and trees, set against the backdrop of the sprawling academy itself! He marched forward into the courtyard and stopped, overwhelmed by the grandeur. [color=#990099]A loud grumbling[/color] spooked him out of his stupefied wonder and he spun about to find a pink haired girl sitting on a bench. He looked about her but for the life of him couldn't see where the grumbling had come from. Curious now, he approached her, he found it strange that she wore a scarf, it seemed a little warm out to warrant it. [color=cyan]"Hello! Did you hear that noise just then?"[/color]