[@Mad Scarlet][@Mr_pink][@Skai][@Teddiplier][@ravenDivinity][@Levythelevy][@Major Ursa] Leo could see the President was still getting too flustered to the point she was going to start molting in public or pluck herself bald. He reached out to pluck the full clipboard and put away the hanky to take out his phone. He dialed in all the sign-ups in a mass text with the quill's address and hit send. He held up the clipboard full of names as a bit of a mock to the student council as he again projected that alpha energy to those still here. [color=fff79a]"Alright everyone, thats a full roster for now. First meeting is thursday. We got history in fifteen minutes, so we need to break down and get to class. See you guys in a couple days, feel free to come by sooner."[/color]