Before moving out the Stone Crest, Alya had met up with her..'companion' or 'mentor', whichever was [i]meant[/i] to be his title, but as of right now, he was just a drunken mess. Lyle Spikebush, as reliable as ever, stumbled out of the tavern to convene with his contracted, mute companion. Much to his dismay, but he was the one who arranged this meeting in the first place. Alya greeted her mentor with a nervous smile, she wasn't really sure what he was going to say, but she hoped it was something good? [b][color=fdc68a]"I've heard tha-at you 'aven't been outside 'a Green Fall since that blasted tournament.. Some [i]travelling[/i] bard you are!"[/color][/b] He spat out the moment he saw her. Alya winced and looked at the ground in embarrassment. He was shrewd even when drunk. [b][color=fdc68a]"Come with me.. We're goin' to Frig..Whatever.. with some ebon-guys and some Moon Fey woman. I got business up there."[/color][/b] He said in a calmer tone, much to Alya's surprise. [i][color=6ecff6]A Moon Fey? Rilana![/color][/i] She smiled at Lyle and nodded excitedly, Echo was equally as excited, since he also realized who would be there. Khona. To Alya, Rilana was a very beautiful and kind woman. Seeing her friend again would be great. --- The group of knights and other civilians had gathered, counting up to 9, including Alya and Lyle. She was wrapped in a fur cloak in order to keep warm, provided by Lyle from the 'kindness of his heart' as he put it. He also forced a pair of fur boots onto Alya's feet to prevent her usually bare feet from frostbite. As they merge with the group, Alya spots Rilana, and promptly walks over to her to greet her, giving a brief bow and a warm smile. Echo followed up with an excited [i]YIP![/i] as they both greeted the Moon Fey. The presence of Lord Svarak and the other Ebonknights didn't concern her in the slightest, however, Lyle was a little on edge, taking deep gulps of his flask, which one would guess is filled with alcohol.