[h3]Nikolas Animus- Beacon Courtyard- Monday Morning[/h3] [color=8882be]"Wow not as many Faunus here as I expected, still at least I'm not the only one."[/color] Nik sat on the grass, with his back against a tree looking out across the courtyard. [color=8882be]"Now if I remember correctly everyone who comes to beacon gets put into a team, and they stay in those teams until they graduate and sometimes even past that."[/color] lowering his scroll Nik glances at everyone in the courtyard no one there seemed all that interesting so he looks down at his scroll again,[color=8882be]"I just wonder who will be in the Team I'm assigned to, hopefully another Faunus."[/color] Nik continued to talk to himself quietly as a few people passed by nobody but a few other Faunus ever looked his way but at the moment he didn't care, absent mindedly Nik's hand slowly moved toward the large grey steel axe close by, upon touching it he grabbed it tightly bringing it closer to him as he sat watching the crowd.