Ki'ira finally arrived at the town she heard was besieged by the forces of the allied against her kingdoms. In the past decade or so she stopped most major conflicts in their tracks by decimating any army she found on the march. It wasn't once that she had interfered in the middle of an already in process battle, just to waste both sides until they retreated. It wasn't really a big surprise when a couple of kingdoms joined forces to deal with the 'Natural disaster' that she was. Sure enough now they drew her out by attacking a town, she knew it was a trap, but still came. She had swore to herself that she will fight war until the concept was no longer present. She tried, tried really hard, but no matter how many times she stopped a war in it's track, they always tried again and thus she found herself in this situation, where most rulers considered her a danger. [b] “Calamity, by the right of the coalition forces, we demand your surrender!”[/b] One of the officers shouted to her. Initially when she began to appear most people underestimated her, now it was clear that was no longer the case. All the present soldiers had completely serious and ready to die fighting faces.[b]” If you do, your death shall be a painless one!”[/b] He finished his speech, causing Ki'ira's ears to twitch and her tail to wave around. Her eyes were focused on the man and a huge grin appeared on her face. A spark flew from her hair, blown by the wind.[color=ed1c24]” A mare mortal man dares to order a Daughter of Vinsha?”[/color] She asked with sarcastic voice as flames began swirling around her. A barrier of fire around herself to serve to protect and attack, her hair, arms, fox ears and tail were already also covered in fire, giving her that calamity look, the one that she was rumored to have. Suddenly swinging her sword, a huge wave of fire flew and clashed into some of the soldiers.[color=ed1c24]” I MAY DIE TODAY, BUT I WILL TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME AHAHAHAHAHAHA!”[/color] She shouted with a laugh and charged into the enemy lines, her magic bursting into multiple directions, burning people in it's path.[b]” KILL HER!”[/b] …............................................................................. The battle raged for more than a day, so many her enemies were. At the end of the day, as the sun was already starting to hide behind the horizon, she had finally fell even the last soldier. The area around the town was littered with bodies, the civilians were looking at her from afar. The one who saved them from the soldiers. Ki'ira was standing in place, unmoving for she had already no strength to move. She had lost too much blood and her body was pierced by so many arrows and swords, cut in so many places that she was already living her last moments. She looked slightly up to see the sunset...[color=ed1c24]” It's beautiful... man... it was worth it to come to the outside of the forest after all... I've had so much fun in this journey...”[/color] She mumbled to herself as a small child from the town ran over to her with a cup of water. Ki'ira reached and patted the child's head. In that moment her heart finally stopped and all was swallowed by darkness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1815 years later ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Something was wrong... suddenly she was torn away from her final rest. Her eyes flung open as all she could see was darkness. It was all around her, she was bound in some kind of narrow space. In her confused state, Ki'ira began panicking, her magic erupting. Flames covered her body and began to intensify within the narrow space she was at, she could not breathe nor move. After a few moments, the magic finally did it's job and with a loud bang caused the thing around her to burst open as pieces of wood scattered in all directions. Her body fell on the cold stone floor, she was trembling, unable to think straight. What was this nightmare... why had she not stayed in her eternal rest... Finally after unspecified amount of time, she began to calm down. Her breathing also starting to return to normal as she began to take more and more information from the surround as her senses returned. She blinked a few times and slowly rose from the ground into a sitting position. Her head was still a little bit hazy, but she starting to think on what was happening. She certainly died back then... and she wasn't there. So she somehow returned from the dead...” My head...” She muttered as a headache was still present. Only now she realized she was... naked. Whatever she was wearing, her flame burst from earlier must have turned it into ashes, not that she supposed it was anything more than rags... She realized this place was old... she must have been here for ages.... who knew exactly how long it was since she died. This appeared to be some kind of tomb, probably made for her actually as she was the only body here. Taking a few attempts she stood up and looked around once more, creating a small sphere of fire to illuminate the tomb. The entrance appeared to have caved in, but there was air current so there was opening somewhere. She tried to hear it and suddenly she realized... her fox ears were gone! The presents from her mother Vinsha were gone! Along with the rest of her equipment! Ki'ira once again started to panic as she began searching for them in haste. Among the remains of the coffin she was in, she found at least the ears, which she quickly put on. She felt the familiar sensation of them connecting to her body, as her hearing increased to monstrous levels. Now she could hear the flow of air around... With no difficulty she located the breach that led to the outside. It was a small opening in the rock wall, surely not big enough for her to fit through. She smirked, it was time to put her abilities to the test, if everything wasn't as it used to... this was going to be a very short life. Ki'ira unleashed her magic, creating a sphere of fire between her hands. She gave it more and more power as the heat between her hands grew. The incredible powerful sphere of fire, threw warm orange fire across the tomb, all air began circling towards her as the fire created a point of low pressure and when she sensed it was at it's peak, she unleashed it at the area of the opening in the rocks. The heat was so great and the concentrated power so strong that the explosion and the heat quickly widen the breach. The rocks were red, but Ki'ira did not care. Her body had long since stopped being affect physically by heat and fire. Granted she still felt some pain, but she did not get burns. Quickly moving through the hole, she felt the heated stone with her skin. It was painful, but the desire to be outside was stronger. A few more seconds and she was finally outside. A cool breeze hit her the moment she stepped outside. It caused her to momentary shiver, but she wasn't really cold, despite being naked. She really was alive, but where the hell was she?! Looking around she saw no signs of civilization. Relying on her hearing she searched the area for a water source and luckily she heard some kind of stream, so she made her way there. Pouncing almost like an animal through the forest, she finally reached the water and with a relieved sound began drinking. She was dead thirsty and hungry actually, but one thing at a time. After she finally did not feel like drinking anymore, she sat on the ground and took a deep breath. Now lied a second problem... she was naked and she couldn't walk around like this. Good that there was a lot of mud here. Using something she learned from a tribe of people who preferred to live alongside nature, she quickly began covering herself with mud. They taught her that mud was quite good to wear on your skin actually. It kept you warm, protected from insects and had surprisingly good effect on the skin's health!