Looking to start a Rogue Trader group. The actual game from FFG, not just another Warhammer 40K rp. I figger since there's a chat on here, we could play there, probably easier than trying to play by post with this sort of platform. I won't GM, because I'm terrible at it and it wouldn't be fair to anyone else because of that. If you're interested, PM me so I can gauge interest, and if you're interested in GMing, definitely PM me. And if you'd rather play Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Only War, or Black Crusade, you should still PM me. Honestly, I'd be down for some D&D or Pathfinder too... I don't have those though... Finally, if you'd rather just start up a Rogue Trader rp, instead of breaking out the books, PM me, because I'd probably be okay with that if I can't get enough people for the actual game. Notice how all the things say you should PM me? That's for a reason. I hope you all have an excellent rest of the day. *EDIT* Two confirmed players. Looking for two more, maybe three, GM spot is still potentially open.