The constant humming and vibrating of the motorcycle had rendered the majority of Kasai's body numb. Her rear had lost feeling about an hour into the trip, and eventually her legs became sore from the straddling position on the bike. Now, they were numb as well. On the plus side, at least she wasn't aching anymore. The scenery hadn't changed all that much. Of course, Kasai had never been to the Earth Kingdom, so she had no way of knowing whether they were in it or not. Shouldn't they have signs? 'Welcome to the Earth Kingdom' or 'You are now leaving the United Republic.' The Earth Queen hadn't seemed like a very warm person to Kasai when she had visited the City. Perhaps she was also not one for welcoming pleasantries. At long last, Avani pulled the motorcycle off to the side of the road for them to take a break. Kasai was relieved, but ventured a guess that driving was even more exhausting than simply holding on for the ride. Kasai practically fell off of the motorcycle after Avani got off. She urged her muscles to work again, but ended up taking her girlfriend up on the offer to join her in lying on the grass. Kasai landed next to her with an "oof" and let out a groan. "I had no idea traveling by motorcycle was so uncomfortable. Course, I guess I'm used to my satomobile with a backrest and cushy seats." She laughed a little and let her body relax from its stiff state. Other vehicles could be heard passing on the road, but getting run over wasn't really a concern Kasai had at the moment. "So, how much farther to Ba Sing Se?" She questioned. It made her feel like some sort of annoying little child, pestering a parent about when a trip would reach its destination. At least it was the first time she had asked. "Looks like a town up ahead, if we need to stay the evening at least we won't be stranded." Camping on the side of the road might not be the best idea. Hopefully if they had to stay they would be able to find a more suitable camping spot. Kasai stretched before rolling over and planting a kiss on Avani's cheek. "Don't let me lay here too long or I may fall asleep." The warm glow of the sun and the soft patch of grass they were resting in made for a dangerous recipe for a nap. Part of her could fall asleep right then, and another part wanted to continue with their travels so that they could get into the fun, adventuring part.