[center][img]https://fanart.tv/api/download.php?type=download&image=7219§ion=1[/img][/center] [center][b]Peter Parker[/b] | [b]Bobby Drake[/b][/center] [center][i]Co-Written With [@Natty][/i][/center] “Where’s Nightcrawler?” Cyclops barked to Peter from atop the roof of a nearby building. “How am I supposed to know? It’s not my job to keep track of the blue imp.” Peter retorted to the X-Man’s question. As he had already said, why would Peter know where Nightcrawler was? He and Bobby have been looking for Angelica this whole time. “Just give yourself up now so that we can solve this without anyone getting hurt. If you don’t, well, don’t say I did not warn you.” “What are you even talking about? Don’t you all live in Westchester? How would I even get up there?” However, Peter saw that Cyclops was not quite giving his full attention to him. Instead, the X-Man was pressing a device on his torso, which seemed like a communicator. While Peter could clearly see that Cyclops’ mouth was moving, he could not quite discern what he was saying. Nevertheless, even though Peter could not hear what Cyclops said, he soon found out what the gist of it was. Out from one of the nearby alleyway walked out a giant of a man. His skin seemed as if it were made out of many bands of shiny silver-colored metal. With each step, Peter could hear the heavy thumps of the man’s feet striking the ground. “I don’t want to hurt you, Spider-Man.” Colossus told the red and blue clad teenager, “I would break my heart seeing Angel break into tears over this. However, I hope she’ll see the necessity if you refused to cooperate.” As Bobby stumbled out of the fog as it began to clear, his eyes widening at the sight before him. Where had once been the Rider, their most recent arch-nemesis it would seem, now stood an all so familiar face. Colossus. Questions plagued Bobby’s mind as he stopped in his tracks, looking awkwardly between Piotr and Peter. That was when the sight of Cyclops above caught Bobby’s eye. It would, that Scott and Piotr were under the assumption that webhead here had done something to Kurt, the X-men’s lovable teleporter. Bobby laughed out loud before loudly telling his teammates that this was impossible. “What the hell are you two whackos on about? Pe… Spider-Man’s been with me all day!” Bobby stated loudly, placing his icy body between the two Peters. “Iceman, let us handle this.” Cyclops spoke to the young, ice-covered X-Man. “We have video evidence showing that Spider-Man kidnapped Nightcrawler from right under our nose. Stand aside so we can solve this.” “Video evidence?” Peter marveled at what Cyclops had said with a sarcastic tone, “Please don’t tell me that you have ‘evidence’ equivalent to what Jameson usually throws at the general public! I was at least hoping some people wouldn’t just accept his slander without scrutinizing his arguments!” Bobby shifted nervously from foot to foot as he listened to Cyclops speak. How on Earth did he have video evidence? There was no way Peter could have webbed all the way over to Westchester and back during that toilet break earlier. Sure it was a number two, but still! Something here was fishy, that was for sure. What could Bobby do though? Going up against Scott and Piotr was suicide. Even with Spidey’s help. Besides, they were his teammates! No. That didn’t matter now. Peter was innocent. He couldn’t back down now. “Cyclops, let's be calm here, okay?” He said, trying to sound threatening, despite the fact that inside he was bricking it. “You’re not going to lay a finger on him!” “Iceman, step out of the way.” Cyclops commanded his fellow X-Man, point his arm in the direction in which he wanted Bobby to go. “Anyways, what does an [i]innocent[/i] man have to hide?” “Well, do you really blame me with all the slander that Jameson spouts about me? Whenever he even mentions my name, let alone blame me for something that I didn’t do, Jameson makes Fox News look like a respectable news outlet!” However, before Cyclops, or anyone else for the matter of fact, could make a response to Spider-Man, a small, spherical device rolled under Iceman’s feet. Mere seconds after the contraption had stopped spinning on the ground, a blinding flash of light radiated from the sphere, a light similar to the flash grenade that Firestar’s kidnapper had used. Once the four superhumans regained their proper vision after the flash grenade attack, they all saw the dark figure whom Spider-Man and Iceman had been fighting up until Cyclops had interrupted the confrontation. His black cape was billowing in the wind as the Rider stood there, folding his arms across his chest. “You all are imbeciles.” The electronically scrambled voice said, “It is obvious that someone is trying to set us all up and it seems to be working.” “And who are you?” Cyclops demanded from the shadowy figure. “That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that if you’re missing some mutants, I would check out the local branch of the Brand Corporation. Word from the criminal grapevine says that they might be developing a cure for Mutants.” After the Rider revealed this vital information to Spider-Man and the X-Men, he turned his back and began to walk away. “Wait? You’re going to just walk away?” Spider-Man said. “I work alone.” The Rider muttered to the four of them over his shoulder, only momentarily glancing back at them. Then, he dashed off into the darkness of one of the alleyways, securing his own retreat. For the most part, the Rider had only been dealing with the maggia, but since superhumans have been popping up around the country and the world, it looks like he will need to adapt to the times so that, when some superpowered wacko emerges, he would not be surprised. Anyways, the Rider had more pertinent matters on hand than to run around with brightly-colored vigilantes.