[h3] Nik- Beacon Courtyard- Monday Morning[/h3][@Bigg Slamm] [color=8882be]"Yeah I'm a student first year here same as you, and before you ask how I knew you where a first year it's because of how you handled your scroll. Anyways where am I from well I was born here in Vale, but at a young age my parents where killed by Grimm. I had to live on my own for a few years, until I was found by a nice Faunus couple who took me in, the only thing I have left of my family is this axe here. Of course I've modified it to have Dust compatibility. But hey whose doesn't know how to use dust am I right?"[/color] Nik tilts his head towards Renji,[color=8882be]"Hey sorry if this seems rude but would you like me to show you around? You look like you could use a guide who knows how everything works and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, but know that if I don't like the question you asked I'm not gonna answer."[/color] Nik stands up stretches, and lets out a giant yawn. Picking up his axe in a flourish, placing it neatly in his back sheath. [color=8882be]"So if you would like to be giving a tour I'll be sitting down under that tree over there."[/color] Nik points towards the tree he was sitting under earlier, which he was already making his way back to, ears flicking and twitching to the noises around him, Nik liked two things groups of people and food, which reminded him that he was hungry. Pulling out a granola bar Nik begins to munch on it while he wade making his way back under the tree, upon reaching the tree Nik sits down and goes into a doze.