[center][h1][color=silver]Kelsier[/color][/h1][/center] [i]That could have been worse. Much worse.[/i] Thought Kelsier as he leaned on his sword to catch his breath after the monster was apparently pulled back in. [i]I need to be stronger.[/i] He resolved. At that moment, he realised he didn't have his coat on and then realised that it was a good thing. Against fangs and jaws like that no normal armor in the world would protect someone from that, and without its encumbering weight, he was more nimble and would tire more slowly. He tucked that information away as he checked to make sure everyone was alright. That done, he caught up to Spook, started to walk beside him, towering over him. [color=silver]"What was that?"[/color] He asked, too politly. He had signed up, even though he knew it would be dangerous, but he hadn't expected their guide to give a surprise like that. Spook seemed to have known the monster would not rampage long, but he could have at least provided a warning of some kind. [@Mokley]