[center][b][u]AGE OF IMPERIALISM[/u][/b] [i]June, 1907[/i][/center] [b]June 1st[/b] The [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] finishes its theory into [b]Heavy Barrage[/b]. [b]June 2nd[/b] The [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b] finishes it's [i]Javiya[/i] Heavy Artillery guns. [b]June 3rd[/b] 50,000 Professionals join the ranks of the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b]. [b]June 4th[/b] A [b]Factory[/b] completes in [i]Vreson[/i] with the [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b]. [b]June 5th[/b] 30,000 [b]Colonial Conscripts[/b] finish their training in the [b][color=blue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b]. [b]June 6th[/b] A [b]Factory[/b] completes production in the [i]Keyvah[/i] region of the [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]. [b]June 7th[/b] The [color=orange][b]Xian Clique[/b][/color] finishes theoretical work on their trench works and [b]Indirect Artillery[/b]. Hours later, the Xian diplomats send an official declaration to "[i]..all acting members of the Sociatatem[/i]." The war has come to Faresia. [b]June 8th[/b] The [b][color=pink]Tarikhate of the Serranthia[/color][/b] finishes a production run of 10,000 Ifran 95Rs. [b]June 9th[/b] Orders by the [color=maroon][b]Survaek High Command[/b][/color] are again slowed by huge amounts of traffic in the [b]Western Desert Theater[/b], prolonging a clean and efficient offensive. Byrnians, failing to properly communicate to Raethians constitute a large problem, as well as troop movements being slowed by lack of infrastructure. [b]June 10th[/b] Heavy sandstorms batter the [b]Western Desert Theater[/b]. The Survaekoms are well prepared, but 1,532 Deltorans are lost in the great, limiting storms, their bodies found hours later only a few hundred feet from the camp. [b]June 11th[/b] [PENDING] [b]June 12th[/b] [PENDING] [b]June 13th[/b] [PENDING] [b]June 14th[/b] The [b][color=blue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] declares war on the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. [b]June 15th[/b] [PENDING]