Seriously unfinished [hider=Marvel] [center] [img][/img] Name - Charlotte Janssens Alias - (Captain) Marvel Age - 24 Powers - [list] [*] Superhuman Strength - Charlotte is super humanly strong and is listed at a normal level somewhere between class 50 and class 90, likely class 75. However, since she is able to absorb various types of energy, she can use this energy to temporarily increase her physical strength to levels similar to that of her time as Binary, in which form she reaches class 100+. [*] Superhuman Durability [*] Superhuman Stamina - Able to exert self at peak for about a day on end. [*] Superhuman Speed [*] Superhuman Agility: Charlotte's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. [*] Flight [*] Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are heightened and are superior to those of the finest human athlete. [*] Photonic Blasts: Charlotte can fire powerful concussion blasts of photon and stellar light energy from her hands and fingertips. [*] Energy Absorption: Her body is capable of absorbing various types of energy for the purpose of temporarily enhancing her own physical attributes. [/list] Weaknesses - Previous Affiliation - The Guardians of the Galaxy Personality - Innocent/Kind/Trustworthy [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [url=]Costume[/url] Charlotte stands at 5 foot 9 and has a lithe physique that betrays her true strength. Her hair is a dark brown and travels down just past her shoulders. Her eyes match her hair in colour, as do her eyebrows. [/hider] Brief Bio - [Don't get long winded or assume everyone is using every bit of cannon material. Characters themselves have to be cannon, not their histories...] Charlotte was born in Bruges, Belgium, to a Belgian baker mother and an English salary man father. While her parents were completely normal, her grandparents were far from that. Her grandfather was the original Captain Marvel, and her grandmother a former villain of hers turned lover. Of course, this family secret was not even revealed to their children, let alone their grandchildren. As a result, Charlotte lived a relatively normal early life, she went to school, learned skills and made friends. Things changed drastically around the time she turned 15 though. She had gone to visit her grandparents in America. While out on the town with them, they were attacked by muggers, and her grandfather was forced to use his powers to subdue the muggers. The energy stemming from the powers seemed to trigger something within, Charlotte, and her powers were unlocked, so to speak. Her grandparents explained her hero past and helped her train her powers in the short time they had with each other. Notes - [your character different than the cannon in any major ways?] Sample Post - [About a paragraph with a little dialog! Just so I know you can give the character their own voice...] [/center] [/hider]