Seems I am a bit late to the game. x_X Hope this is alright. [sub]Idk how to correctly do measurement conversion and my phone doesn't want to use The Google. Hopefully its correct, if not- well. Too bad. Pretend it makes sense or seems correct. :< [/sub] [hider=Character] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b][indent] 'The Fox'[/indent] [b]Real Name:[/b][indent] Unknown [/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]20[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b][indent] 5'4"(164CM), 122lbs(55KG). Pale blond hair, tanned skin with obvious tan-lines around clothing edges. Rather lithe with some impressive upper-arm strength. Scars cover his hands, in very thin lines and some thicker jagged cuts. They mostly cover over the second joints of all of his fingers, around his wrists, the palms of his hands, and on the outside of each hand. A lot of them connect and cross over each other, a few places are even purely scar-tissue. On the right side of his head, trailing from the corner of his right eye and traveling back into his hairline, a crude and jagged scar can be found.[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b][indent]Ex-Coyote [i](By Personal Choice)[/i], Currently a Straggler[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Fickle with loyalty and adaptive, Fox is someone purely driven by self interests that change more often than the weather. He does not trust anyone as far as he can throw them and lets be honest here, he isn't built for throwing human bodies very far. While friendly and respectful to an extent, he really doesn't get close with people unless he becomes curious- which is rather rare. He is easily bored with 'common' things and it isn't uncommon for him to throw a stick in the middle of someone's plans to see more of a reaction or to cause trouble. If anything, he likes to test people, he likes to watch people squirm. And in the same hand, while he does enjoy causing trouble for others, he always has some way of keeping himself out of it most of the time. At least enough to the point that he cannot be directly blamed for it. Fox, as a few who have met him before or maybe heard rumor, has absolutely no empathy for other people or any other living thing. While it doesn't seem like he was always this way, it is how he is now and because of it he has been known to be downright monstrous when people try to double-cross him or put his observations/plans on hold. He isn't above killing someone- [i]or entire small groups[/i]- that get in his way. He really isn't all that bad though! Somewhere... deep down inside. Probably.[/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b][indent] Fox, despite what he says at times, cannot remember anything before the Virus or the first year or so after it spread. The most that can be recalled it something along the lines of '[i]The Coyotes found me and gave me a name and a purpose[/i]' and '[i]Then I got bored and moved on to greener pastures[/i]'. Someone [i](or Someones)[/i] within the Coyote's took Amnesiac Fox under their care for a time and within that short time managed to create a monster they lost control of. [/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [i]Clothing;[/i] [indent]Fox wears typical scavenger garb. He has a very thick jacket that bundles up around his hips with a few places where it has been patched, a single massive front pocket that has been modified to hold various things. Each arm has a special 'wrap' of thick cloth that is cut out at the elbows to allow for perfectly free movement, it is held in place with straps and buckles on his upper arms and forearms. Covering his hands most often are a pair of heavy duty gloves, a mixture of cloth, leather, and small metal plates individually put in place to protect the pads of his hands and the sides of them. He seems to have several pairs of these gloves. Going down the rest of him, he has a very heavy-duty belt that is always tied securely around his waist. Attached to this belt is several small bags and pouches, filled with all sorts of things he uses and or has collected. His pants are well worn, the knees have been purposely cut and a few other places have been as well to allow for the best possible movement for the wearer. Though they are also patched in several places as well. As far as footwear goes, Fox only ever wears a pair of black combat boots that lace all the way up to the middle of his calf. They are old seeming and have been well used, nails have been inserted into certain parts of the bottom of the shoe. They seem pretty sharp and dangerous.[/indent] [i]Weaponry;[/i] [indent]As an Ex-Coyote scavenger, Fox is never without some kind of weapon. He has an array of pocket knives and daggers of the sorts. But his most well used 'weapon' is wire. Somewhere on his person he carries at least three different kinds of wire. Some of it is simple and basic metal wire, but mostly it is razor wire. Most of the scars on his hands are from having used said wire long before he got his metal-plated gloves. [/indent] [indent] [list] [*]Is suffering from head trauma. If you ask him who he was before the Virus, he wouldn't be able to tell you. [*]Despite his overly violent tendencies and kill record, Fox is utterly terrified of blood and will actively avoid it if possible. [*]Perfectly able to survive on his own with the barest of things, he is a great scavenger. [*]He left the Coyote's on good terms, but they are still actively seeking him to return. [/list] [/indent] [/hider]