[@Eviledd1984] [@Letter Bee] [@Vulkan] [h3][b]Before the attack:[/b][/h3] Tom went back to the main gate on his continued job of messenger ghoul. He didn't really mind this job but his main always wandered onto the thought of the upcoming attack. When he reached the gate he would find and ask Ahab and David if they would be willing to help out during the attack and if so to follow him to Major Bentsworth. ______________________________________________ [h3][b]During the attack:[/b][/h3] Tom was by the docks leading men woman and children out of the city and, hopefully, to freedom. Everything seemed to be going as smooth as it could when lasers killed one of the defenders than hit a boat causing it to exploded taking out a lot of people. Using his experience as a sniper he quickly focused on the area where the shot should be coming from. Taking some cover behind a metal wall he shot at the gift shop hoping to draw some of the fire away from the others.