[quote=@Eviledd1984] [@Letter Bee] Danny looked out of the window at what was going on outside,"I think we got bigger problems then with the hospital..." Danny pointed outside to what was going to the mayor."Guess like you will need my help with the wounded and perhaps get in on this action to help defend this shit hole" He said his eyes looking back at the mayor. "I would think their will be a good sizable amount of caps for me if ya do decide to help ya with this" Danny added waiting for the mayor's reaction. ------------------------ A few moments later their was a knock on the door,It was the secretary who was knocking on the door wanting to speak to him.Ahab was behind her being sent by Jenifer to try to help.From what she told him that since they would being attack they could pull their weight and to also gain some caps. [/quote] Par, riding his Yao Guai, was already rallying several sets of fighters situated around the city square, fighters protected by nearby buildings, concrete blocks, and even a dumpster. His plan was to encircle Alan's troops; prevent them from radiating out of the square and wreaking havoc on the rest of the city. As for how he knew that the Enclave was going to go for the heart of the settlement itself...well, they can carry troops through the air, can't they? Therefore traditional defensive lines were meaningless to them. A message was sent to the Brotherhood forces at the north end of the city, requesting their aid! [@Shadowman215] [quote=@Vulkan] Alex dropped a third enemy soldier as he was talking to the colonel. All worries about the mission had gone away. It wasnt hard at all. Just shoot the boats and prevent any wastelanders from taking down the vertibird when it arrived... His thoughts were shattered as a sniper rifle round zoomed over his shoulder. Alex didnt even flinch. Another enemy sniper. He looked down his scope and saw him to be a ghoul. Interesting. The wastelanders were turning to ghouls to fill their ranks. Still, this one wasnt bad, as evidenced by how close the shot had come. Judging by the sound and the rifle he could see the ghoul carrying, he was using .308 ammunition. It probably wasnt enough to bring him down through his armor, but he still didnt fancy taking a shot from it. All these inner thoughts were over in less than a second. Alex took quick aim and fired a single high powered laser blast at the ghoul. He then ducked, and spoke back into his comm unit. [i] "Apologies for the interruption sir. There is a ghoul sniper on the docks i will take care of. All anti air is neutralised however, so i request that we send our second vertibird once the sniper is ash."[/i] [/quote] "Done!" shouted Alan as he engaged the Yao Guai trying to maul him in a contest of strength, wrestling the beast! In the meantime, Gabriel would be woken up by the sounds of fighting. [@shadowsaint007]