Cesare shrugged. "We've done what homework we can. We've compiled some information on the heroes with public identities- family, finances, medical records, things like that. And we've scraped together what gossip we can. All sorts of unflattering information is available out there if you dig deep enough. It gets hushed up, of course- no one wants to think ill of their heroes. Sonja is close to bankruptcy and has been investigated for tax fraud. Professor ESP drinks too much and turns into an antisocial mess after his third or fourth gin. Sixgun has made some very ignorant statements about Hispanics. Cherry Bomb isn't a natural redhead. But I imagine you're not asking about that tawdry tabloid junk, are you?" Cesare poured himself a coffee. "The fact is, it's easier to find information about people like you than people like The Coalition. Not that you haven't done well at covering your tracks, some of you were very difficult to find indeed. But it boils down to one simple fact- you inspire fear, not trust and loyalty. People aren't willing to help you hide if they think they can get away with it. Finding out things about the heroes requires time and dedicated professionals- people like Argus. Talking to him will be a good first step to learning more."