[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [@mewgirl99][@FantasyChic][@Apollosarcher][@Shikaru][@bobert778][@lavulman] [color=8882be][i]Dmitri finished discussing things with the cop, and got off with a warning. He moved his wagon so that it wouldn't be in the way of other patients on their way to the ER. Then hurried in to check on Liz and her mom. He asked what room they'd be in and was directed down the hall, after a terse conversation about him not being allowed back there and the nurse and security having better things to do than try to keep him out. He got to the room and found it empty... A page went over the intercom for nurse Kelly to come to the front desk, and Dmitri remembered that one of the nurses helping with Liz's mother wore a name tag that read Kelly... He decided to go meet her at the front desk as the doctor walked in and stopped to stare at the empty room and a perfectly healthy Dmitri... Dmitri spat out a question as ice began running through his veins.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]"You looking for a middle aged woman with a broken leg?"[/color] [color=8882be][i]The Doctor nodded, wondering what was going on and if he should try to page a nurse or just call security... He opted to call security as he fled the room, the sound of shattered glass following him into the hall as Dmitri threw his chair through the window and raced back up to the front desk, where they were still paging "Nurse Kelly". Three hours later He sat out on the front curb, the cops were back, but there was no trace whatsoever of Liz, Annalise, or any of the nurses that had been wheeling her gurney down the hall. Even the gurney had vanished... and footage from the security cameras didn't help either, it showed everyone entering the hall they were supposed to be on, but they never walked into view of the next camera and there were no exits between the two camera's coverage. And there didn't seem to be any evidence of anyone tampering with cameras or the recordings. Dmitri felt numb... the first person to ever get past his emotional guard in years, gone in less than a full day... and yet he was more torn up about Liz than he'd been about anyone else before. He glanced at his watch, it was time to go if he wasn't going to miss the meeting with Anya...[/i][/color]