[quote=AmongHeroes] I would think it would add an interesting element to have a Minotaur or some other such creature. Perhaps he has obtained some type of totem or had a spell caste upon him to allow for his imperceptible movement through humanity? I would say also that it might be tougher to play a character that is more bestial, just from a interaction stand point, but if you think you can pull it off, then I say go for it. [/quote] You know what, that might just work. I'm imaging the character having a cursed placed on him, rendering him human in appearance and with relatively diminished power. He'd only be able to return to his true form for shorter durations. The longer he stays in true form, the more painful the experience gets, until he'd eventually die after about... 24 hours? His transformation to and fro would be painful as well, but it wouldn't be quick nor quiet, thus requiring him to do so before whatever task he needs his strength for. Not to mention the fact that the longer he has stayed in his true form, the longer it will take him to gain the energy required to turn once more. I'm writing a CS that'll explain further, and let you decide.