[h2]Ryuuto Anjou[/h2] Even though Kazuko answered his question, everything about her seemed to be telling him to shut up. Her crossed arms, the tone of her voice, her expressionless face, all of it conveyed an utter disinterest in everything he had to say. With that response, Ryuuto just sighed and followed his partner quietly to the dorms. He didn't know why she was so resistant to making even the most basic conversation with him, but Ryuuto had given it an honest try. When it came time to explain why they couldn't get their synchronization rate over 2%, perhaps [i]then[/i] she'd have something to say. Until then, if she didn't want to be bothered, she'd get no resistance from him. When they arrived, Ryuuto opened their door without a word and brought his luggage in. He had planned to ask his partner, whoever they ended up being, if they wanted help with their luggage, but given Kazuko's cold responses to civility thus far, he imagined she'd just chastise him about touching her things. So, she could deal with her own luggage. The room seemed to be perfectly symmetrical, so Ryuuto arbitrarily claimed the left side as his by silently rolling his luggage over there and unpacking. He unpacked a few sets of clothes, but the majority of his time was spent unloading supplies into his desk. Pens, pencils, highlighters, post-it notes, a digital audio recorder, notebooks, countless reams of paper (graphing, lined, and blank), and books. Lots and lots of books. Most of them were non-fiction consisting of academic journals and books written by famous scientists and philosophers, but set aside in a separate pile was a small stack of mystery novels that would serve as his recreation for the year. Ryuuto seemed to be in his own little world as he arranged his desk just the way he liked it, blissfully unaware of what his partner was doing. There may as well have been a thick iron curtain cutting him off from the rest of the world. He didn't even have time to register the awkwardness of sharing a room with a girl... but perhaps his mind would register that later.