Ok. Well, Sahle/Samel you know, so I'll just toss some basic shit out for the rest of them for you to work with since I don't know exactly what you need. Yared: Born in Ethiopia, Yared learned to play the Krar - a lyre-type instrument - at a young age. When he discovered the American jazz jam-bands that had came over after the North American War, he began to sit in on the sessions and learned the art. He met an Ethiopian Cornet player named Marc and together they decided to try and tour Europe. On their way north, they ran across a man in the desert named Samel, who seemed to be a natural at the drums. They went and plied their trade in Cairo, before eventually arriving in Sevan. Marc: Marc was an Ethiopian who took a liking to the western Cornet horn, and he joined Yared on a journey toward Europe. Marc doesn't talk much and mostly stays in the background mostly enjoying himself. Aaliyah: Aaliyah worked as a dancing girl in a club in Cairo, where she met the band and became their singer. An accident in Cairo left her without an eye, but she has replaced this slight to her beauty with a painted clay mask that she wears over half of her face. Err.. i don't know if that does it, but fill in the blanks and you should be good.