[hider=Ser Erwyn Rivers] Name: Ser Erwyn Rivers, a landless knight and a master-at-arms of Fairmarket Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance: Ser Erwyn is about six feet tall, broad-shouldered man. He has long and thick arms. His hair is coloured dark brown and auburn. He has deep blue eyes, and he would be noted as a handsome man, if he hadn't scars in his face, torso and arms. Personality: Ser Erwyn has seen what men can do to each other. He took part in the campaign against the Kingswood Brotherhood as a squire for a knight and fought in the Robert's Rebellion. He has a slightly cynical view on the world, and can be seen also as a sarcastic, but not without a sense of honor. Although he might not show it, he cares for the soldiers and squires who he trains and fights with. Pros and cons: Ser Erwyn isn't the friendliest man around, but spends some time gambling and drinking with a few friends he has. He is also ambidextrous. Biography: Born in 266 into the House Mallister as a bastard to Lord Jason's brother, Erwyn's prospects didn't look good, and he wasn't treated very warmly. His father didn't really care for him, and Erwyn mostly spent his time sparring in the training yard. He was given a better education than most, but not much else. At the age seven, he was assigned to Ser Gawain Hawkwood, a household knight as a page. During his early teen age, Ser Gawain and Erwyn moved to the King's Landing to find to a new master after Ser Gawain was released from Mallister service after they an argument over Erwyn's training. Erwyn often thinks that Gawain was a much better father than his real father. At King's Landing, Ser Gawain entered the service of the Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister and was sent to root out the Kingswood Brotherhood alongside many renowned knights and soldiers. Ser Gawain died after a bandit loosed an arrow at him, but Erwyn survived the campaign. He started to serve Lord Tywin, even though the man had a ruthless reputation. Erwyn followed Tywin to the Casterly Rock after his resignation as the Hand of the King. At Casterly Rock, Erwyn spent a few quiet years before the Robert's Rebellion started, squiring for a knight and rose to the rank of a knight. When the Robert's Rebellion started in 284, Lord Tywin waited and finally made his move after the Battle of the Trident. He entered King's Landing as a friend and sacked the city. Ser Erwyn took part in the battle, taking a few nobles and knights as prisoners and ransoming them after the battle. After the war, Erwyn was dismissed from Tywin's service, and he traveled back to the Riverlands, finding himself in the service of Lord of Fairmarket. In 289, Erwyn took part in the Greyjoy Rebellion, fighting alongside Thoros of Myr. Ever since, he has spent a quiet life as the master-at-arms at Fairmarket. Equipment: A set of steel armour bought from King's Landing and a boiled leather armour from Fairmarket, a fine-quality bastard sword, an oaken shield, travelling clothes and other garb. Other: I'll be expanding and refining this character sheet on the coming days, and if you have suggestions, I'll hear them. [/hider]