[img]http://www.comicraft.com/logos/quicksilver/quicksilver.gif[/img] Quicksilver glanced around as he watched the Brotherhood retreat, the few moments, fleeting and possibly not seen by his teammates. Saw members of The Brotherhood glancing over at Pietro's direction, and there was some kind of look between them. Understanding? Contempt? Either way Pietro sighed as he watched them all leave, glad to be done with work for the night hopefully. Still a sudden burst of light caught his, and needless to say Jean Gray's, as Ms Marvel shot a beam towards her. Even though the hero in question looked embarrassed Pietro wasn't having any of that crap. Immediately going up to her in a burst of speed. “Hey the fuck is your problem lady?! You Could've killed her!” Pietro jabbed a finger into her chest as he vocally gave her hell. “Oh don't tell me you're just another piece of sh...” Before Pietro could use another part of his sparkling vocabulary on Ms. Marvel both Storm and Beast pulled him aside. “Pietro enough! The poor girl has already apologized!” Storm sternly told Quicksilver had to quietly grit his teeth a bit. Sighing finally and holding up a hand to Ms. Marvel. “Sorry...” He meekly said aloud before Beast spoke up. “Speaking of your unprofessional behavior I find it both a bit puzzling and troublesome that you didn't engage The Brotherhood...” Beast let the intention of what he was insinuated linger for a moment as Pietro was both stunned by the accusation and having to realize he never did in fact touch any of them. Sure he clocked the fatty in the head with a bat, but fat boy doesn't count. “Hey I was taking care of the crowd ya ape, don't start accusing me of...” Pietro's phone rang as he growled angry to himself. He wanted a nice night of loud angry music and alcohol and instead his getting this garbage thrown at him. He held up a hand to Beast, “Hold on its Cyclops...” He told him, thankful it was one of the few people who'd call him that would warrant an end to that little investigation by Beast. “Whats up?” Pietro asked, Cyclops' orders to come back to New York City were one thing, but apparently something big is going down and they might have an answer to Spider-Man kidnapping Nightcrawler. Pietro normally isn't thrilled about extra work, but needless to say the questions about everything were pretty inticing, plus now Pietro was in a fighting mood, and while fighting Beast would be wreckless (not to mention a great way to get kicked off the team). He could instead channel the fury onto something else by the sound of things. “Gotta run, Cyclops needs me in New York for the Nightcrawler situation. See ya.” Pietro gave a faint wave before being gone in a blur. He knew he shouldn't be the way he was with Beast back there, however this has been a frustrating night. He should at least say something to the fur ball later. Either way Quicksilver didn't need as long to get back to New York, seeing as how he didn't see much of a need to stop by and 'borrow' any equipment this time. He screeched to a top next to Cyclops and Colossus, looking over at Bobby and his BFF Spider-Man. Man Spider-Man's costume looked like one thing in the pictures but good God it was bright in person. Then again based on what his heard about the web slinger subtly wasn't the guy's strong suit. Then again Pietro wasn't really in a position to accuse someone of that. “Business is all clear for the mutant hater in Boston.” Pietro gave a thumbs up to Cyclops who didn't look impressed. Then again he never usually did. “So Beast told me, along with your behavior which we'll be having a discussion about later.” Cyclops stated simply. Pietro rolled his eyes to himself at the news, great... because tonight was going so well already. Now he gets to listen to a Cyclops speech. Fucking joy.