[quote=@Delta44] [@Claw2k11] "Well, I guess we should take our time. I can't fight in this condition. I'd rather heal up some before we go. In the meantime..." Maryvale gets to her feet. "Why don't we have a look around for the other sword supposedly in the area? Once my poisoning recovers, we can go, unless we have any objections...? Also, what should we do with her?" Maryvale points to the girl. "I'm not good with children." [/quote] "That would be Darkstalker." he says. "Though, it's in the hands of Midnight the Eternal, death's right hand man, so fighting it will be like fighting Sssalivan, except that Midnight can summon hordes of undead." the high elf says to her. "Though we have Anna, maybe one of us could use her to defeat Midnight and get Darkstalker, the strongest the universal weapons." "Don't worry about Anna, I'll take care of her!" the young knight said. "Don't worry, Anna, I'll protect you from all the monsters out there." he said to Anna, who only proceeded to only hold onto his arm even tighter.