BTW: [quote][list][*][b]Soul Resonance:[/b] A rare ability, but one that Nadia has the potential for as with all Meisters. When synchronized perfectly with her Demon Weapon pairing she can utilize sort of “true” soul abilities that are immensely powerful. It is hard to say if it is reminiscent of her father’s Soul Resonance ability due to the fact he never synchronized on such a level with his Demon Weapon partner. [list][*][b]Arisia Königin:[/b] When synchronized Nadia and Arisia create the Soul Resonance abilities that fall under the “Gun-type” category (despite being a [i]Bow & Arrow[/i] foundation). The only one known to them is called [b]Danmaku[/b], a barrage category technique that uses the supercharged ability from a synchronization to spread the soul energy into a complex “machine gun” sort of volley. [/list][/list][/quote]