[center][img]http://www.shadowlordinc.com/characters/Marvel_Misc/2-BruceBanner.jpg[/img][/center] Bruce sighed in resignation. He looked at the vial of blood, this was all they had. Assuming that security was far enough away he might just have a way out of this before this Doctor got himself into trouble or... S.H.I.E.L.D or Ross found out that he was here. He really couldn't linger anywhere for any amount of time after all. The longer he spent in one place the greater his chances of discovery were, and the greater the chance that either he was going to get captured and get in trouble or that Hulk was going to make an appearance and cause trouble. The papers, he hadn't read one since this had started. He could only imagine the things they were saying about him. Hell, that J.Jonah Jamieson from the Daily Bugle was probably having a right go at him, I mean if he tore Spider-Man to shreds what chance di dhe stand? No, he needed to get out of here. "Hey Doc..." He threw the vial. "-Catch." Crawford naturally went for the vial as Bruce bolted for the door, months of running had built his muscles up to the point where while a few months ago he would never have been able to make it in time. He heard the vial smash, he smiled slightly as he did. While the blood would still be testable it would be sufficiently corrupted that it would take the good Doctor months to do so. By that time he'd surely have a cure so that if he did use it as a cure for disease when the inevitable [i]side effects[/i] emerged he'd be more than ready. Security came round the corner, and Bruce just lowered his head looking down and to the left where the floor met the wall to keep his face out of their visual. He doubted they'd recognise him but you couldn't be too careful these days - apparently that was the case anyway. He then came across a door marked laundry, pushing himself backwards into it the stench hit him first. He didn't envy anyone that worked in this room. The humidity alone could probably kill someone from exposure, and the smell... it was less than pleasant. Though the mixture of stool, urine, blood, pus and other excretions weren't going to exactly make a room smell like roses. He skipped out all the dirty clothes, looking for a clean batch. He would have opened his mouth with an [i]ah-ha[/i] when he found them... if that wouldn't have proved deadly. Regular trousers, shirt and a purple hoody. Purple wasn't exactly his colour but it fit so... it would have to do. [center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/11/117763/2815109-thor__600___page_43.jpg[/img][/center] Doom paced the room. Everything was almost ready. A Doombot was currently impersonating him at the UN, announcing the concept of a Latverian Union and no doubt taking in all the applications. Especially with the fact that Latveria now boasted that each citizen within it's borders recieved [i]free[/i] electirity. Tony Stark may feel like a good guy, yet despite all his attempts at being a good person he was still a corporate pig. Making tools for the people, and charging a fortune for them. No better than the likes of that Steve Jobs fellow. Though Steve Jobs had been significantly less annoying than Tony Stark... he also understood how to offer someone the respect they deserved. He was yet to speak with Stark, and would have to upon his return. There were several parts of his plan that could use someone like him. Though for now he had another place to me, or rather another time. He eyed the machine, it filled the whole room. Transmission rods pointed towards the centre podium which would electrify his molecules and send him forward in time, or backwards if he were to so chose it. No doubt he would travel back, there were so many mysteries he had to solve in the past after all. For now however, the future was his destination. Three hundred years being his target destination. Technically he could chose a time period much closer however he felt that three hundred was a nice round number, given enough time for him to make his mark on the world and for the world to continue on in however he had shaped it. He had no doubt that he had saved the world, it would be better under his rule after all. No, this was to see how well his legacy had lasted. So that he could take any measures required in order to ensure that the peace and prosperity he would create would last as long as possible. He stood in the centre of the podium, lights flickered. Not just in the castle but instead all over Latveria as the machine powered up. The entire room began to shake, electrical discharges flew around the room hitting the walls scoring and burning them as they amde contact. A poor Doombot that happened to be in the room was hit by a bolt, being of the more basic sentinel variety it exploded as it was overcharged. Then in one final flash of light he was gone. The room dimmed for a couple of seconds... Then out of nowhere, there was a blinding flash and kneeling on the Podium, torn cape and cracked armour knelt Victor Von Doom. A doombot came running into the room. Doom looked up at it. "Damned it, the machine failed!" There was a shadow in the corner of the room, neither Doom the Doombots or the sensors noticed it. It was almost a ghost...