[@HushedWhispers] [@Undine] [@Sixsmith] [@Phaesaris] [@Avanhelsing] [@WilsonTurner] [@GoddessSophia] [@McHaggis] [@MissCapnCrunch] [@Murdoc] Okay, this is what I have worked out for proposed relationships between my character and the ones that are approved in the CS tab - if there is any problems or thoughts on these, please let me know. This was just first thing to come to mind that I felt would work. [hider=Relationships][center][h1][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/h1] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/9c90/i/2009/334/e/9/fire__by_mumbojumbo89.jpg[/img] [color=a187be]{[/color][i]"I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster." - Catherine The Great[/i][color=a187be]}[/color] ⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies[hr][hr][/center] ☯ [color=a187be][b]Leo Santiago-Espinoza[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"He is what I think James Dean would have acted like in High School."[/i] Tatiana took note of Leo in High School because he was someone that was from somewhere outside of the U.S. - Always seemed a bit absent, never around much though. ♥ [color=a187be][b]Aubrey Jennings[/b][/color] ♥ [i]"She is an awakening"[/i] Aubrey was the first girl that ever caught Tatianas attention in more than just a "friend way" and was Tatianas first girl crush. Not knowing how to handle it Tatiana ended up trying to get close to Aubrey and caused a wedge between Aubrey and Rowan that ended up in the break up of the couple. ☯ [color=a187be][b]Raquel Henderson[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"She likes to sing."[/i] Tatiana never really knew much of anything about Raquel, the two never really crossed paths much. ⚜ [color=a187be][b]Dennis Montgomery[/b][/color] ⚜ [i]"He seems sweet."[/i] Didn't know each other in high school but have crossed paths during the groups gatherings each year. Tatiana keeps trying to convince him to let her give him a tattoo. >.> ☠ [color=a187be][b]Johanna Sanchez[/b][/color] ☠ [i]"Not her again.."[/i] TThese two really didn't know each other in high school and haven't really gotten to know each other since. Last year though they ended up in a classic "witchfest" and the claws came out. They haven't spoken since and Lord only knows what will go down this year. Cat claws at the ready. :P ☯ [color=a187be][b]Rowan Delaney[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"Well I caused some problems there, didn't I?"[/i] Tatiana didn't mean to be a problem but ended up as such. She has nothing for or against Rowan but there seems to be friction between the two because of Aubrey. ☮ [color=a187be][b]Marisol Santiago-Espinoza[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"Oh time for trouble!"[/i] Though they didn't know each other in High School, they have become friends during the group gatherings each year. She is one of the few Tatiana looks forward to seeing and hitting the bar with to see who can get more numbers from the guys. A little on going game they have going to which Tatiana is currently losing, lol. ♫ [color=a187be][b]Jamison Rainer[/b][/color] ♫ [i]"That's my shadow."[/i] Tatiana looks at Jamie as her one true friend and best friend from high school and they keep in close contact no matter where she is or what she is doing. For some reason the two just clicked and she tries to convince him that he is not forever alone. ⚜ [color=a187be][b]Jack Murphy[/b][/color] ⚜ [i]"Where's my book?"[/i] They know of each other but nothing much other than Tatiana has caught Jack several time thumbing through her trashy romance books during the groups get togethers. ☯ [color=a187be][b]Kenny Lorenzo[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"Nothing much."[/i] Know each other, are okay towards each other. Never really spent time to get to know each other. ☮ [color=a187be][b]Abel Ross[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"You need more ink."[/i] Abe and Tatiana are friends, well as friendly as one can be with their tattoo artist. They don't talk a lot outside of what she will be inking next on his skin and they tend not to talk outside of the group gather each year but when they meet up you can bet they will be hunkered down somewhere designing what he wants next. Her yearly gift to him is fresh ink. While they don't speak a lot they have each others backs when push comes to shove. ♥/☮ [color=a187be][b]Wyatt Rothenberg[/b][/color] ♥/☮ [i]"Let me bumb one."[/i] While she has never said it, Tatiana has a bit of a crush on Wyatt, while others might be put off by his abrasive personality she oddly thinks its cute. (She needs therapy lol) They are friends and tend to back each other up if an argument or fight breaks out. [/hider]