[hider=Ser Jon Wylde] [center][h3]Ser Jon Wylde / Male / 24[/h3][/center] [center][h3]Appearane[/h3][/center] Jon Wylde looks every bit the northman that he is not. He stands at 5'7 and weighs about 178 lb., he has the thick build of man who's been fighting most his life, and fighting in heavy armor at that. His hair is thick and has an almost matte black color to it, very smooth, and now longer than he regularly would keep it, reaching just below the top of his ears, he tries to keep it combed back. His face is largely shaven, save his sideburns and goatee. His face is free from most scars, other than a particularly nasty one underneath his chin that is hard to see due to its placement. It runs from almost the center of his chin to wear his throat meets his head(a VERY lucky scar... most hit like that would be dead after all). His Hazel eyes give him a somewhat softer look, this in addition to his lack of scars mean he has remained largely handsome, if now gruffer than he once was. His chest is broad, though he is somewhat smaller than most northmen, and his left arm is ever so slightly longer than his right(long enough to be noticed upon inspection but not at a glance or passing look). He has a fighters build, his arms, chest and legs well toned but not particularly large or bulging. His legss are long, and unlike his arms are perfectly equally proportioned. [center][h3]Personality[/h3][/center] Ser Jon Wylde acts the way a knight of Westeros should in most aspects of his life, he upholds the kings laws, respects the lords and ladies above his station and generally believes himself a pious follower of the seven, but he is not all chivalry and valor. If nothing else you could call Jon Wylde Hard workig, though those who ee him in a more negative(or positive) light would call the man ambitious. Jon Wylde is no stranger to hardship, and understands if you want something you have to take it yourself, by force if necassary. Though some call him cruel or hard - hearted, Jon considers himself a student of hard knocks, and refuses to help anyone who he thinks can help themselves, and prefers to focus on his own goals and hardships, often focusing only on his and his own, leaving others where they lay. He has worked long to get where he is, and he dosen't let anyone forget it. He may come of as hostile or unapproachable in this regard, but those who know him understand that if he were not this way he may very well be one of the smallfolk. Jon Wylde believes himself the equal to any knight in the realm, and believes with work he can be equal to the lords as well. He sees the major Noble houses for what he thinks they are, several savage beasts, held together by marrige, money and empty oathes. He has little respect for those who see them as truly "noble" or right, looking at them like he would an army to be fought. Though he is in his element at war the young Jon Wylde is no fool among lords, and understands they play a delicate game, one that he wishes to learn. If he is to get any farther in life, he knows he must learn the war of politics like the war on the field, and seeks tutelage in this regard from the house of his wife. Any who are not a knight or lord Jon Wylde considers largely beneath his notice, though he tries hard not to let them know that... though he largely fails as speaking with those beneath his station fills him with boredom and frustration. Jon's temper is unlike other men, he rarely flies into rages or curses at the sky or whoever it was that angered him, but rather maintains a calm veneer to hide his anger, letting it fester and losseing it when necassary. He attempts to be happy when those around him are, but he pprefers to maintain the serious air of important men, preferring work to relaxation and war to peace as he can easily become bored with most things. There are exceptions to this, he will never grow tired of those he considers closest of friends and his familiy, who is always willing to protect and provide for. A serious man with much to gain and much to lose, Jon Wylde works on the field and in the court, intending to rise above the rest, and get what he so diligently works for. [center][h3]Pros and cons[/h3][/center] [b]The Good[/b] Possesed of a low cunning in combat (mildly dishonourable unless in duel) Experienced horseman Schooled in chivalry/Mounted and unmounted combat learning politician [b]The bad[/b] Inferior strategist Not as strong or large as other knights/northmen Split loyalty (southern knight) Inexperienced negotiator [center][h3]Biography[/h3][/center] Jon Wylde was never one of the smallfolk, not really at least. The son of Ser Eric Wylde and Serena Yaren, the daughter of a well off merchant. Ser Eric Wylde encouraged his son to inherit his granfathers business rather than follow in his fathers footsteps, but his mother encouraged him to take after Eric, and so after a fair amount of begging Eric agreed and convinced his father in law to purchase what armor and weapons the boy required, but only after Jon had been a squire and been trained. From the age of 10 Jon was a squire to one Ser Arving Hewett, and he served well, if it started off a little rocky. From the start Jon was a bit small and a bit weak, but he was determined. He trained hard, spurred on by his older mentor, though it wasn't because Arving supported the clumsy boy, he honestly expected the young Jon to die and told him as much often. Jon was determined to become a knight, to prove Arving and his father wrong, he wanted more than the life of a merchant. After around 7 years of squireing for Ser Arving, Jon earned his knighthood, swearing his oaths before the seven to become a knight of the realm. After this he returned to find his father had died in a bar brawl and that his mother was preparing to leave with his grandfather. Either due to pity or respect for his father, Jon's grandfather kept his promise and bought Jon armor, a sword, a horse and a shield... but gave no other money to the boy. For several years after, Ser Jon Wylde was a hedge knight, going from keep to keep, lord to lord searching for work and attempting, rather clumsily, to stoke his own reputation, attempting, unsuccesfully, to gain the favor of a lord. He repeatedly attempted to make in-roads with the daughters, nieces and other children of lords and ladies but never made progress this way or any other, perhaos he was simply cursed to be a hedge knight. And so it went for onwards of four years, the young knight unable to court the support he required to maintain a stable income, struggling to aford food and keep his weapons and armor in proper condition. During this time, he heard of a tournament being held by house Tully to honour the marriage of one of their nephews, with a fine reward to the winning knight of the joust. So again Jon Wylde set off, praying to the Seven this would be the tournament he needed. Jon arrived two days before the start of the tournament, and nearly left moments after he arrived. The vast majority of the Knights participating were landed knights of House Tully and the houses of their bannermen, and Jon was one of only a couple of hedge knights to attend leading the knights who served the Tully's to berrate the landless knights for even showing up, using the monicker of "robber knights" to describe them. However, as Jon began to become fed up with their constant taunting, he had what can only be described as a lucky break. Throughout his four years of attempting to court his way into the good grace of lords he had had a fletting run in with one Elyana Vypren while serving the Frey's earlier in his career. They had found one anothers company enjoyable, but Jon was released from Lord Frey's service shortly after their meeting so the relationship went no farther as Jon had to move on. Now, whilst walking the grounds of the tournament, he ran into Elyana again. They rekindled their old friendship, as it was still a day prior to the tourney, Elyana explaining her family had been invited to attend by lord Tully and Jon confessing his hope to win the prize and earn some prestige for himself. He confided in her his myriad of failures to court any sort of permanent position amongst the lords he had served, and his seeming in-ability to gain a reputation and lamented his current state of affairs. It surprised Jon then, when Elyana made him a proposal(if an offhand joke he took literally or not), suggesting that Jon speak with her father, Lucias Vypren, and ask for her hand in marriage. Jon took the suggestion to heart, and decided to remain and try to win the tournament befor asking Lord Lucias for his daughters hand, hopefully impressing the man with his skill and earning the money to support himself in one fell swoop. As the tournament commenced Jon made his intentiions clear by providing lady Elyana with his favor to hold for the tournament. Perhaps it was his burning ambition, or luck, or his honest skill but Ser Jon Wylde defeated all comers, the landed knights and landleess falling to his lance. In the end, Jon Wylde won the tournament, and shortly after asked Lord Vypren for his daughters hand in marriage. Unbeknownst to Ser Jon Wylde, Elyana had used her own diplomatic charms to convince her father of Jon's honor and abilities as a knight, as well as his potential. apparently this, and Jon's victory at the tourney were enough and a year later the two were married. Since that tournament around four years ago, Jon has served house Vypren loyaly, in spite of remaining a landless knight, even providing lord Vypren with a grandson Rickard Wylde. Now, as war comes to the Riverlands and a king rises in the north Jon prepares to stand with his wifes house, wherever their loyalties lie. [center][h3]Equipment[/h3][/center] -Set of heavy steel armor (bought with gold from the tourney) -Horse -Longsword -Oak shield -Travelling clothes -Winter attire -Other assorted clothing [b]Other:[/b] um... if you don't mind whats the rest of Vypren think of me? Including the main famiy and others (such as Ser Erwyn) [/hider] Open to criticism(obviously) it is my first draft