[quote=@Rhymer] I'm the natives. And the Europeans didn't just 'power' through the natives. Sure they fought constantly, but they also allied in some situations for a time. If you just want to power game the shit out of this then I don't want anything to do with it. [/quote] Please don't start another argument. Fox is not attempting to power-game, in fact he does not want to. He was trying to find a in-universe reason why not. [quote=@MrFoxNews] Okay then give me a rundown of the natives because I'm trying to figure out a reasonable excuse as to why Numburg can't power through the New World. Can the natives have some sort of magic or something to make them more dangerous than originally thought? [/quote] The thing about colonies is they are really expensive to maintain and build. It would be a while before a colony grows to the point of providing for the homeland. Even then, while the Indians did suffer more losses, there were cases where they managed to overwhelm early European Colonies. Besides, initially the Europeans mostly traded with the Natives, so with the colonies are expensive thing in mind as well as the fact that through trade they could acquire weapons, it's easy to justify Numburg not powering through the natives.