[I]An hour before the attack:[/I] As it turned out the mayor had little time for Vor Shinse beyond warning her of an impending attack on the island. By the Enclave no less, which meant energy weapons and power armor, making her main weapons useless. There was no point setting up a sniper's nest, a close-range shotgun blast would probably ricochet and hurt [i]her[/i] and any melee attack was suicide. What she needed was something explosive, possibly incendiary. That was when she'd spotted the boats. The Enclave was organised so there no way they were letting refugees off the island. They'd also likely be coming in by air and last she'd checked the only way off this island was by boat. If [i]she[/i] wanted to kill or corral everyone on the island, the easiest way to do it would be to take out the boats, and given the state of the vessels that wouldn't take much. Making her way over, Vor Shinse picked up a couple of discarded gas cans and a siphon and made herself look busy. To passers-by it would look like she was making sure the boats had plenty of fuel when in reality she filling the cans. She made sure to leave enough gas just in case the Enclave were, by some miracle, dumb enough to leave the escape craft alone, but she eventually walked away with two gas cans and a total of ten gallons of gasoline. From there she placed the cans in two separate areas, both leaning against metal. Ideally her first rifle round would ignite the fuel, causing an explosion, but if that failed she hoped to cause a spark by shooting the metal to the same effect. "Scheisse..." she muttered to herself, realisation flashing across her eyes. She still hadn't gotten permission to trade on the island! She sighed. It figured, now she had to hide her salvage too. [i]During the attack:[/i] Well her plan had kind of worked. One Enclave soldier was currently trying to put out the flames engulfing his armour and the other gas can remained untouched, just in case. The boats were being destroyed, just as she'd thought they would, and the defenders were shooting the underbellies of the vertibirds. Vor Shinse couldn't help but wonder why no one ever thought to aim for the [i]propellers[/i]. Either way, she was moving. There was energy weapon fire drowning out some bullshit promise that the Enclave would let them live and Vor Shinse mentally rolled her eyes. Yeah right, "live" long enough for FEV tests more like. There was the Enclave and then below them were the xenophobes and supremacists. But she needed to find decent cover. The Enclave was focused on snipers and boats, so she needed a clear line of sight with a quick escape route. Maybe one good shot into the back of an Enclave soldier would be enough to detonate the suits Fusion core. [i]Maybe.[/i] [[Edited for typos.]]