[B]Trad Oak – Capture The Fort[/b] [hr] The soft sound of crunching twigs and branches slowly became louder as the Beowulfs closed in. Hidden behind a tree like the others, Trad carefully set down the portable battery he had been carrying and drew his sword and shield. He decided to keep his shield in basic circle form until they were ready for combat, however, as it wasn’t exactly designed to open quietly and as such would instantly give away the groups location when expanded. Looking to see where his teammates were, Trad watched Robert ascend a nearby tree to gain a better vantage point. Trad hoped Delta would have the same idea and climb before the monsters closed in. Once the Beowulfs attacked it would be very much a close quarter combat situation. The team sniper would be at a heavy disadvantage if he stayed on the ground. Gripping tightly to his sword Trad gave a hard nod to their leader letting him know he was ready to fight the second Robert either gave the signal, or leapt into combat himself.