[hr] [h1][center][color=lightpink]Scarlet[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] As Scarlet ran through the city, she noticed a few men working around the Industrial District. Based on how they operated, she determined they must be part of a gang. They dressed similarly. Bingo, she found her in. She turned herself invisible and snuck her way over towards a few of the men there. Apart from some colorful conversation about what one of them will be doing to his girl later, they didn't speak much about who they worked for. They began walking down the block and she kept pace. She didn't like where this put her. Here we was, a thief, and a damn good one at that, and she was tailing some street thug to find out who their boss was so she could "persuade" him or her to help find the person behind the hit on the bank. They neared the Evanston Metal Recycling plant and it hit her how obvious it was that some gang crime boss would be operating out of a recycling plant. She left the group and walked her way over towards the building. She became visible again and stepped inside. It was a recycling plant, for sure. She didn't get much of a sense of a gang hideout here, until she got further in.