[@shadowsaint007] [@Shadowman215] Sundown before the attack: Greg was locking up his store for the night when the two Brotherhood members arrived at his store. "Actually, I'm just locking up, and I was thinking that if we left now and drove for a few hours, we could clear it out tonight and maybe be back before the Enclave attacks. Should be back before noon." [hr] Three hours after leaving they pulled up to the factory in which the Vault entrance was located. Greg went to the back of the trick and lowered the hydraulic ramp he'd added to it so that his personal Protectron, Prince, could get out and so that other robots could load themselves into the truck after they captured them. "You two take point. Prince and I will take up the rear. The fastest way to it is through the elevator at the back of the building. Be careful, though. The last time I visited there were raiders living here."