[hider=Hider for my char because sweet jesus this takes up alot of space]Name: Kalico Title(s): Demon wind, ominious one, The hated one, i think he just stole my wallet!, mother fucker Patron God: Typhon, titan of calamity Patron’s Domain: As the father of all monsters and herald of all things apocalyptic, his gifts convey the total control of all things monstrous (excluding the undead and things of an eldritch nature [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r14hoV_9NCA]because that would be retarded[/url]) as well as control over storms, earthquakes, flaming goats falling from the sky, pretty much anything along those lines. Aspect of Patron’s Domain: Calamity and monsters Appearance: Black feline beastman (furry basically because i'm pulling him from elsewhere) of around 5'11, thin with a bit of muscle, yellow left eye and blue right eye, though most can't tell as he always appears to have them closed. General Apparel: Black pants, loose t-shirt, and a red trench coat with layered armor built in Armor/Weapons/Equipment: Armored trench coat, dual metal fans Magical/Divine Abilities: Wind/storm magic mostly, earth/destruction magic rarely, Eyes of domination (Explanation: the only divine ability he has, any monster locked in his gaze cannot disobey a given order even after the gaze has been broken) almost never unless something really pisses him off. Celestial hatred: all other gods hate him. all of them. from every pantheon. ever. typhon is the only being in the celestial plane that likes him and it's specifically because he hates all the other gods too. so much celestial hate causes him to have so much bad luck he's had to learn wind and earth magic so he can prevent meteors from falling on him at the age of 12 Personality: logical and blunt. When he hates something, you will know it. Likes: Honesty, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, [url=https://e621.net/post/show/583854/2015-anthro-backsash-bandanna-black_nose-bust_port]Men[/url], and wrecking the ever loving shit out of assholes. Dislikes: gods, assholes/dueche bags, and dishonesty Fears: the encroaching effects of stupidity and ignorance on society at large. Aspirations: becoming a god so he can punch zues in the dick. no shitting you, he literally just want to punch most gods in the dick personally. Relationships: None Allies: Typhon, and Most sentient monsters Enemies: Every pantheon ever. Seriously. he's pissed all of them off at some point or another. Loyalties: nope History: Kalico was born to a poor family, the thirteenth child and also a seventh son of a seventh son, putting him in an odd posistion where the village elder was torn on whether to have him executed to trained as a priest, so he did a mix of both: he discommunicated him at the age of three days old and booted him out of the village. At the age of twelve he came back, beat the shit out of that elder's replacement, realized it was the wrong elder, and went to go beat the shit out of THAT elder and actually managed to kill him due to his old age and Kalico's talent for magic. After killing his previous elder, kalico took some time to go through the small, rural village he'd been born into and personally smacked all of the stupid ones upside the head, defaced their idols, and told them and all they worshiped to kiss his ass. As you can probably guess, this is about when the first meteors started falling. Ever since then it's been pretty much the same old story of him coming across a village, fucking it's priesthood (sometimes literally depending on the priests *looks vaugely at the slaaneshi precepts*) and then defacing their idols, pretty much becoming a hated demon in the eyes of most people. In his travels he came across the large amounts of "adventurers" that were little more than genocidal maniacs with giant, throbbing murder boners for monsters. He very swiftly expanded his swathe of destruction to included adventurers, earning him the respect and adoration of most any sentient monster and even the non-sentient ones in some occasions, causing him to become truly noted by Typhon, which personally possesed the nearest satyr, gave him a hug, and gave him his blessing, naming him his next great prophet. After a few years he got pointed in the direction of hell and told "go in there, get some orb satan stole, and you can punch the gods right in the dick personally" so off he went. i'm not good with bios. i don't like them and i find them to mostly be unneccessary info dumps that are dry and boring to read. hope you found this one at least sort of enjoyable :P[/hider]