Addie hopped of the metro line as the cool brisk air hit her face. Snow hadn't quite melted yet, but at least it wasn't as cold as it used to be. This winter was the worst thing she had to get used to moving out here. For the most part, everything else seemed to fall into place. She grew up a city girl, so should she really be surprised? The small flat she called home, wasn't in the best neighborhood, but growing up in foster care (and 2 years of kickboxing, didn't have her worried), and usually there wasn't a situation she couldn't at least try to talk her way out of. She happened to be very charming. Her foster mom, Helen, wanted her to be a lawyer. The law of this world, just didn't seem like her place. Nothing ever seemed like her place. Although the routine she had maintained since she started school at the Art Institute of grabbing Russian Pierogi at Makarov's before she headed home after shooting or classes, had helped her feel a little more normal. So she wandered into the far from decadent, but still respectable joint she had come to love. Her Pentax K1000 in hand. "Hey Rufka," She said to the familiar woman behind the counter. "You can just call me Ruth, you know" She smiled and handed her the exact amount of cash for what she knew I was about to order. "Does using the Russian pronunciation over-do it?" "Just a bit," The woman handed Addie the receipt and added "I'll have it out to you in a bit, your usual seat is still available." She gestured to the corner window table, and Addie sat down in it a smile perked on her face. [i]Maybe this was the right move for me.[/i]