[color=0072bc][i]You thought the Water Tribes raised people of peace? Nobody would have said that back then.[/i][/color] Long before Aang, the last Airbender. Long before the Fire Nation dominated the world after their capture of the Earth Kingdom. Long before the longest summer seen by the world, there was Winter. Iluq, a shaman and healer of the Southern Water Tribe, was born with extraordinary talents. Around the world was the hailed for her prowess in and knowledge of bending and the very spirits themselves. She was a close friend and assistant to Avatar Li, a man who literally had a part in shaping the world. She was only a teen when she traveled with him, and became an adult five years later when he met his fate. Without Li to guide her mind and hold her back, Iluq focused her knowledge on the spirits, a strong flame within her burning to know more. Days and weeks passed, and the more she found out about these strange creatures, the more her sanity continued to slip from her grasp. She cared not. She was surrounded by the wisdom and knowledge of very essence of the world around her, and nothing was going to stop her from discovering it all. Li didn't die from age, he chose to die because he was a coward, was afraid of the power that Iluq had. He was running away from his problems to let the next Avatar face them. Her progress was furthered upon meeting a spirit in person. It warped her mind, promising her boundless information and power. It told her she was a greater being, just as powerful -if not more so, than the avatar them self. She took the title as chief of the Southern Tribe with ease, and quickly began to expand the ice. The Southern Tribe rallied behind her, supporting her and helping her in her efforts to cover the earth in ice. Her first target would be the easiest. The Earth Kingdom could not fight against water, and the Air Nomads would be an easy battle, if they ever decided to actually take action. The world slowly grew colder, and while Iluq was loosing herself to a spirit's false promises, a young boy with eyes of amber was growing. The boy had just become sixteen when news of the Southern Tribe expanding hit the Fire Nation. The Fire Sages revealed to him his identity as the Avatar, and from then on, he knew he had to stop the growing ice and whoever was pulling Iluq's strings. But he couldn't do it alone. [hr][/hr] hello hello! Welcome to this little thread! Before we get started, I'd like to set a couple of rules in place. -No Godmodding -No using OOC information In character (if we talk about how one character doesn't like X, and a character JUST SO HAPPENS to have that in their possession the next time s/he moves) -If you get into an argument with another player, or have a problem with them, please, move it to PMs, or message me, or both! -Unless in a conversation, you will only be able to post after two other people post after you do, three if you count the person that you are talking to. -The code word is Dinosairs -Be realistic. Not just physically (s/he jumps into the air and does a million backflips as they send fire every which way before they land), but also mentally and emotionally. People don't just get up and act normal after a huge revelation or death. (Katara didn't forgive Zuko until after she got closure, and even then, she was a little wary) On the Avatar's side, there will be space for only one bender of each element, but non benders have no real limit. On Iluq's side, Water benders and non benders are unlimited, but if you bend any other element, you need to have a good reason for being on her team. -At least one decent paragraph per post, please. -have fun! With that out of the way, lets get onto the character sheet! [hider][color=???] Character’s Name [/color] “Insert a character quote here.” -Author [.hr][.hr] [color=] T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=???]|Name|[/color] First Middle Last. Middle name is not optional. [color=???]|Birth Date|[/color] [color=???]|Age|[/color] 16-18? [color=???]|Gender|[/color] Male? Female? [.hr][.hr] [color=Team Color] A P P E A R A N C E [/color] [color=???]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] At least a paragraph, detailing your character’s appearance. [color=???]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] Where are they located? [.hr][.hr] G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E [/color][/center] [color=???]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] ✔At least seven likes. ✘At least seven dislikes. [color=???]|Habits|[/color] Anything? Three, at least. [color=???]|Fears|[/color] ☠At least three fears. [.hr][.hr] [color=Team Color] D E L V I N G D E E P E R [/color] [color=???]|Personality|[/color] ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ At least a paragraph or two detailing your character’s personality. [color=???]|Place of Origin|[/color] [color=???]|History|[/color] At least two paragraphs detailing your character’s past. [color=???]|Extra|[/color] Anything extra we need to know[/hider] [hr] TAKEN SPOTS Avatar - Masaru - Pyroman Airbender - OPEN Waterbender - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3192485]Tenkai Mizuo[/url] - L0ck0n Earthbender - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3192586]Tai Yu Ming[/url] - Katakon