[center][img]https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/athena/activity/p/pokerbots/Scripts/pockettwos/application/pokerbotsweb/static/avatars/cristianrfr.png[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/3D_zpsfllx6bce.png[/img][/center] One thing Warren knew about was a good cell phone. In no time he managed to GPS a number that showed up several times just before the lawyer's abduction from the plane a day earlier. Once he got a location he exited the apartment via the window and took off into the air with seagulls hanging around the bay area. Flying back towards the city, the location the GPS lead Archangel to was under a small bridge where it seemed two men, the lawyer AND 'Griffin', were in some sort of stasis field. Somebody, or some[i]thing[/i], was shifting into the Griffin... "What the hell is going on here?!" Warren yelled getting the creature's attention. The alien Skrull finished shifting, sprouting wings similar to Griffin on it's own back. "I get to steal three identities in one day? This is a new record..." the Skrull bantered. Archangel leaped back and hovered, flapping his huge wings preparing for an aerial confrontation. That's when out of seemingly nowhere a guy in green and red punched the shapeshifter right in the jaw flooring him beside the two guys in the stasis field. "Hey! I could've just punched him if that's all it took!" Archangel commented on the more seasoned alien hunter. "I can punch through brick walls, doubt you've got it in you bird-boy." 3D Man commented back pulling out his cell phone to call his older brother and the clean-up/containment crew. "They call me 3D Man, by the way, because of the glowing red and green eyes..." Derek said kind of awkwardly, "..if you ever run across any of these guys, give me a shout. I'm sure we'll see each other around. Heroes and costumed nut-jobs all over this city it seems..." "Will do, I go by Archangel... if it matters..." Warren replied, kinda bummed he didn't take down the villain while landing down next to the other hero and the three other individuals. 3D Man stepped aside and used the phone for a few moments, and before he hung up a two van crew showed up along with a hummer. His older brother got out of the hummer and instructed the soldiers and clean-up crew. Warren kinda stepped away and let the men do their thing and he could've swore one of them winked at the unconscious Skrull as they placed restraints on him. Archangel chalked it up to still being a noob when it came to heroics. His first confrontation he didn't do much, but he did manage to save that one plane passenger from falling to their death. He was grateful he finally met another hero, and one that seemed to have his **** together. "You should get a weapon or something, man. Gotta be a little more versatile in battle with these kinda enemies.. you're new at this aren't you?" Derek asked walking back over to Warren. "I planned on looking into it. These guys friends of yours?" Archangel asked. "Yeah, my brother works for a group affiliated with the government locating and capturing what we believe to be aliens trying to infiltrate different organizations. My powers were a result of escaping one of their starships." 3D Man explained. "I just grew wings the same time I did hair on my face..." Warren said with a bit of a laugh, "I'd better call it a day and get back to work. I'll see you around, 3DM!" ~KL~