[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3EYvFCu.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][i][b]"Besides, if you're going to die horribly, you might as well do it with style.”[/b][/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alphonsé Akiyama [b]Alias:[/b] Rōnin [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] Alphonsé appears to be one of the more crazier individuals you will ever meet. He is covered, from chest downwards, in tattoos signifying gang relations, drug use, crimes done in the past and scary visages of death. His face is kept clean and sharp, shaven with not a single tattoo. His hollow green eyes are dark and seem to sink into his face. Unruly black hair is safely tucked in to the hat he wears almost constantly. Scratches and scars adorn his body, wounds old and fresh. However, the scariest thing about the Akiyama is not his tattoos or scars. It is his smile. His smile is manic and crazy, a smile fit only for a predator. It almost looks comical on someone as lean as him but it always promises bloody murder. [b]Faction:[/b] Straggler [b]Personality:[/b] Rōnin is a more silent character, seemingly contemplating past conquests and failures. He almost never talks outside the battlefield, his face looking resigned and almost pained. If he does need to talk, he communicates in hand signals and grunts. As one of the oldest people in the wasteland, he has seen things that would've mentally scarred many. Very few know of his mental disorders. The quietness and withdrawal is from the drugs to suppress his bipolar and schizophrenic tendencies. He scours the wasteland for them, scared of what would happen if the drugs ran out. Though no one knows it, the Akiyama is actually a very religiously connected person and will often recite quotes from the bible out of nowhere. This god-fearing persona may be due to his fear of going crazy. In battlefield however, his other side takes over. Alphonsé becomes an absolute monster, shooting and cleaving with manic precision. He is crazed and in a berserker like state. He screams, howls and shouts curses at the enemy and sometimes at friends. His desires take over and he will not rest until the last enemy falls to the ground, pelted with bullets or beheaded by sword. [b]Backstory:[/b] To be revealed [b]Other:[/b] Customised AR-15 -Collapsable Stock -Extended Magazine (~45 rounds) -Sound Suppressor -5 Magazines Colt Python -40 bullets Gūnto Sword Swiss Army Knife