Alright, finally complete. I would have finished sooner, but i accidentally deleted all of it. Thoughts? [hider=Yuki] [color=39b54a]Yuki Sha Ting [/color] “Yes! Food, with this I survive for another day.” -Yuki Sha Ting [color=39b54a]T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=39b54a]|Name|[/color] Yuki Sha Ting [color=39b54a]|Birth Date|[/color] September 15 [color=39b54a]|Age|[/color] 17 [color=39b54a]|Gender|[/color] Female [color=39b54a]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [img][/img] [color=39b54a]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] Yuki has brown hair with brilliant bright Blue eyes. She has fair smooth skin. She stands a proud 5 foot 5 inches tall. She is a petite girl with a beautiful hourglass figure. She is mostly muscle with very little fat on her. One could guess her lack of fat is a result of how much she works out, but in truth, she comes by a meal so rarely she is almost always hungry. She wear cloth clothes to cover as much over her form as possible while giving her total freedom of motion. SHe does wear leather armor to protect her core organs. She likes to wear her hair in a ponytail to keep it out of her way. [color=39b54a]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] Yuki's back is full of scars from the lashes of whips. She rarely shows off her back to others. [color=39b54a] G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E [/color] [color=39b54a]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] ✔Sleep, night time, Individuality, intelligent people, eating, silence, stealing ✘Authority, honest people, chains, confinement, being hungry, being the center of attention, day time [color=39b54a]|Habits|[/color] She bites her lower lip whenever she sees something she wants to steal, She is consistently looking over her shoulder to see if anyone is watching her, She twitches whenever she feels she has been in the same place too long. [color=39b54a]|Fears|[/color] ☠Swimming with any kind of fish, insects (the bigger the worse), confinement [color=39b54a]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=39b54a]|Personality|[/color] ♦ Compulsive liar ♦ Kleptomaniac ♦ Intelligent ♦ Quiet ♦ Loyal Yuki is a natural liar. It is almost easier for her to lie than it is to tell the truth. Fortunately she does trip over her lies only rarely. She likes the thrill of successfully stealing from or scamming the unaware. Obviously, if they were unwilling to better protect their possessions they did not deserve to have them. She is fiercely defensive of her own possessions. She will also protect her friends. She is more likely to treat her friends better than she does herself. At her best, she will never let you down. At her worst, she will probably steal all your coins to by ramon. [color=39b54a]|Place of Origin|[/color] Ba Sing Se, Earth Kingdom Capital [color=39b54a]|History|[/color] Yuki was born to a poor family in the slums of Ba Sing Se. Even more unfortunately, she was born a girl. Her family was only allowed to have one child, and her parents wanted a boy desperately. In her own home, her presence was merely tolerated. She at a fairly young are needed to act like an adult to survive in the slums with disinterested parents. She fell in and ran with a group of kids who stole, cheated, and used every underhanded trick to try to get a leg up in the slums. She quickly gained a hatred of authorities when she got caught for petty crimes by guards. She spent her time as a petty criminal until one day her friends suggested they pull a major heist in the wealthy part of the City. If it worked, they would all dine like kings. Long story short, it failed. The guards in the wealthy part of town were all earth benders, there was nowhere to run as long as you were in contact with the ground. This was a turning point in Yuki's life. She saw one of her friends beheaded. She saw two others get their left hands cut off. Yuki was spared but she still took 40 lashes in public square. She was spared severed limbs or death because a wandering sage of some standing spoke for you. Maybe he saw something in her, maybe he had pity for her, or was just lonely. Yuki never conjured the courage to ask him why he spared her. Once released from confinement, The sage took Yuki on as his apprentice. This began Yuki's semi-official exile from Ba Sing Se. She has never returned. She never said good bye to her parents or friends, nor has she ever seen them again. The sage taught Yuki earth bending while dragging her all over the Earth kingdom. After 4 years of study under this sage, Yuki left him to seek her own path and to live her own life. [color=39b54a]|Extra|[/color] Yuki is a expert burglar. She is very effective at sneaking, entering and exiting areas undetected, and acquiring things that are not normally sold. She is trained in earth bending, which naturally helps her hid and move unseen. She uses her earth bending very subtly. She can show off but it attracts too much attention when she does. She dislikes attention. Dinosairs!!! [/hider]