[B][U]200 years ago[/U][/B] The room was stained with blood across the walls, and the floor held a scattering of mutilated body parts and entrails. Castle Cielblanc was completely stripped of all human and animal life, except two. A red figure strut down the dim-lighted, wide chamber, licking its fingers, which were drenched in crimson. It was obvious that its target was beyond the large doors ahead of it, as it did not take its eyes off the door. It stroked one of the two pillars with its free hand, which adorned the staircase which encircled the outer perimeter of the room, as it walked by, scratching it with its dark claw-like nails, making a large screeching sound as the hand bounded off of the pillar and onto the wooden door, tapping it with its nails.  The figure tapped the door for a moment and grinned, baring its sharp ivory white teeth, speaking with a scratchy yet masculine voice, its jaw clenched, "[B]You will not take this luxury from me, your majesty. In fact, you will never take anything from me again[/B]".  He— obviously a male by the sound of his voice— leaned his ear against the door, as if he was trying to listen to the sharp, terrified breaths of the man in the next room, and chuckled maniacally. "[B]Oh, your majesty, there's no reason to try and hide the fact that you're scared of me, and of dying. Please, let me hear your cries. After all, I'll be hearing your death-curdling screams, soon.[/B]" With one last wide grin and and a glow of his red eyes, he opened the door, and all of the light went out. [B][U]Present Day[/U][/B] Castle Cielblanc looked almost as ravaged as it did two centuries ago, when the demon spawn known as Vulture laid waste to all of its inhabitants, men, women, and children. None who were in the castle were spared. Only the throne room has changed, where the throne was changed from that of gold, to that of bone, and portals are at both sides of the room.  This is where all evil spawns from, and any human with some sense would stay far away from this wasteland. Well, not all humans do stay away from here, some being reckless adventurers or drunkards trying to prove themselves, but specifically a group of mages who delve in the darkest art of all magic: demonology. Here, demonologists make a pact with their spawn of choice, and as you can tell from Vulture's actions, the demons here aren't meant for illusions and trickery. Vulture has called upon the strongest demonologists, and now he sits upon his throne of bone, waiting for the era of demons to come forth... [B][U]Plot[/U][/B] [I]Note: To understand some crucial points of the plot, it is necessary to read the history above. [B]Read it.[/B][/I] Vulture, the Demon King, calls on six of the strongest demonologists throughout this plane of existence to go through both of the two portals and defeat the overlord of the Abyss (through the portal on the left) and the god-king of the Skies (through the portal on the right), for reasons yet unknown.  The odd part of this ordeal is that the demonologists he calls on have almost little to no experience in any school of magic, and do not even have any summons to call their own, thus Vulture grants them each one of his six lieutenants, each imbued with an attribute: fire, earth, metal, darkness, celestial, and reality. Each pact is made through a blood pact, which can only be held between one demon and one demonologist, while other demons can be made through other pacts.  A character skeleton, along with other details and a detailed description of the first chapter, will be provided when the OOC is put up. Is anyone interested, or have something to ask about anything stated so far?