It was was finally there - the Enclave. Max had not been preparing for the attack that much to tell the truth. Maybe he had hoped it would not come after all. He silently hoped his old crew would be there to support him, but sadly the old man wouldn't have such luxury. With his magnificent luck and unnervingly effective weapon Max managed to take care of a pair of power armored Enclave soldiers. He hastily removed one of the corpses from a power armor and climbed in. The fact he had shot the soldier through the eye slit of the helmet made the helmets of both suits unusable, but the power armor was all he needed for now. Though he had not used a power armor for nearly 10 years the old man soon remembered how to move in one and took a better hold of both the massive combat knife and the gauss pistol of his. Though the core of the suit was running low on energy Max was sure it would give him a much better edge against the Enclave forces for now. Silently he hoped that the defenders of Liberty Island wouldn't think he's one of the enemy.