The number of Enclave casualties went up to three, the first two merely injured by a Molotov Cocktail and an Exploding Gas Can, and another who had his head exploded by Ahab, who turned out to be not as lucky as he had thought; once he had killed his first Enclave fighter, two others who had been in his line of sight began shooting a Plasma Rifle and Laser, peforating the decaying building he was in and causing it to collapse. Then, a Gauss Rifle shot, and the number of Enclave casualties went up to five, as Max took care of a couple of power-armored men...then took one of the suits of Power Armor for himself. Par, still on George as the latter wrestled with Alan as the latter's squadmates broke through the circle engulfing them, took out a radio and spoke: "Aydon, now!" All of a sudden, Par's Solar-Electric Truck drove through the corpses of dead defenders and the wreckage of destroyed barricades, crashing into another Enclave Soldier and tossing him into a wall. Said Enclave soldier got up, only for the truck to turn to its side, jury-rigged machine guns opening from hidden ports on the front, sides, and top. Driving them all was the aforementioned Aydon, John Ketler's young friend. The 16-year old had been given a crash course by Par, and by that, Par had shown him the user's manual, as well as a set of crudely illustrated instructions on what buttons to press and what levers to turn. "Fire on as many targets as you could!" Par then shouted, "include the propellers, then go to the docks!" After a nod, and a few more button presses, the Enclave man who had been knocked back was peforated with high-caliber bullets, and the Vertibird, flaming, was brought crashing down into an abandoned building. The truck then went on to the docks, where its jury-rigged guns began firing on Alex's position! It seemed as though they had a chance of winning this...until all of a sudden, from the east, came the sounds of Sentry Bots, Protectrons, and another ten Power-Armored goons; most of them new recruits from Vault 81. The chances for victory were waning... [@shadowsaint007], [@Madly33], [@Marcus XVI], [@Simple Unicycle], [@jordy0403], [@EvilEdd1984], [@Trevor1001], [@Shadowman215], [@TheUnknowable], [@Lord Coake], [@Vulkan], [@Hjalti].