Peter utilized one of the underestimated skills in a detective’s repertoire and listened, very carefully. There was a lot going on here, plenty of it dangerous, much of it far too fast. The thrall was a bit of a dick, but he’d been prepared with some clever responses, he was right, the standing of all assembled here was such that final death awaited them nearly every day at the whim of those better than them. So what did they have to lose? Not a huge amount, though a slim chance of life would always be better than certain death, which is what their mysterious benefactor had really been offering until… His sight intensified beyond his own control, the lights growing unbearably bright and every minute detail around him making themselves known before his gaze. It was discombobulating, and more than that his head felt heady and thick, and somehow he knew that with a commanding word he’d have even the strongest willed human falling to their knees, and then, the feeling was gone. The connection between what the thrall had been saying and the sudden boost in power was evident, obvious, though its limitations were as of yet unknown. The quick glance he had taken across the room had revealed much to him, the others strained with their own blood-abilities, two of them unconsciously divulging some aspect of their power, mutation. He had discerned more, but for right then it was unimportant to dwell upon all he had learned in that single heightened period of observation. What was important was finding out if their benefactor could maintain his strange ability, which had incidentally given Peter a clue as to their identity. First he wanted to go for the obvious though, to see if he could illicit a response. He was beaten to the punch by another question that seemed to be covering old ground. “Because we’re untied, expendable and exploitable, more importantly, such a power is nice but it doesn’t hold a candle to even three of the barons combined, let alone the Prince. If X made his move now he’d lose, which is why we’re here. He’s gambling on us raising enough hell to give himself an advantage.” Peter shrugged. “Thing is, I know of a Baron with the ability to manipulate blood-powers, has our mysterious benefactor just made himself far less mysterious?” Peter kept a cool head as he observed both thralls reactions, he was certain that if he had hit a nerve they’d react, regardless of their manipulation, though it was something of a blind guess and he didn’t hold out much hope. From what he knew of Marreck Osei his ability worked on touch, but the similarities in his power and X’s were too great for there to be no connection what-so-ever. Unless of course this was something disconnected from Blood-Power entirely, which was even more interesting. “Anyway, I think we’ve reached a critical juncture here, so far as I understand none of us can talk about what we’ve heard this far thanks to that blood pact we all signed to open the letter. Now, I think we’re now on unbroken ground, I think if someone were to answer yes to this little rebellion your boss is planning someone would let it slip, honestly I’m not sure how bound any of us are. So, if you can’t take the heat it’s time to get out of the kitchen, because I’m saying we need to sign a blood pact, secrecy or death, as I’m sure I’m not the only one of the opinion that none of you can be trusted.” He looked at Michael as he said this, as the only other here he could actually name, and one who he already had reason to distrust.