[hider=Soro] [color=0072bc]Soro[/color] [i]“I refuse to keep my head above the clouds blindly while the world drowns in the rain.”[/i] -Soro [.hr][.hr] [color=0072bc]T H E B A S I C S [/color] [color=0072bc]|Name|[/color] Soro [color=0072bc]|Birth Date|[/color] July 22 [color=0072bc]|Age|[/color] 18 [color=0072bc]|Gender|[/color] Male [color=0072bc]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/ef739228ce898eb100426faa8bcac217/http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr95/Rhinozoom/Anime%20Guys/TU__ninja_talkshow_concept_by_HO-1.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] Soro has brown hair to go with brown eyes. His skin has clearly been tanned heavily by the sun and what was once smooth skin has grown rough and course due to years of hard work and training. Standing just under six feet tall with a noticeable amount of muscle bulk, Soro looks like someone who has traveled a fair bit and seen a decent amount of the world; This is largely because he has. Favoring cloth clothing for the lightness and flexibility that it provides him, Soro has also taken to wearing bandages around his hands and somewhat up his wrists in order to protect his knuckles while training and to cover up some of his tattoos. [color=0072bc]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] Soro bares the tattoos of the Northen Air Temple, however the only two that are still visible are the ones that are on the backs of his hands; Neglect and attempts to scrub them off have caused them to fade, but they still remain after several years. [color=0072bc]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] ✔ Moon Peach, Duck, Training, Beautiful women, Fighting, Being right, Dealing with the worst of humanity as he deems fit. ✘ Self Righteous Hypocrites, Air Nomads, Pacifists, Being told he is wrong, Corruption, Monstrous human beings, Chill [color=0072bc]|Habits|[/color] He will crack his knuckles to help him think, He bites his nails, He is prone to talking to himself at times in order to help him unwind. [color=0072bc]|Fears|[/color] ☠ Being buried alive, Drowning, Dying of old age. [color=0072bc]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/color] [color=0072bc]|Personality|[/color] ♦ Zealous ♦ Compassionate ♦ Justice Seeker ♦ Vengeance Dealer ♦ Soro is not what one pictures an air bender to be; While he is generally a rather kind and compassionate person to those he meets, those that anger him by their actions are likely to see the fires of rage that burns darkly in Soro's soul. He will not turn a blind to the those in need of help nor will he ignore such heinous acts such as rape or murder due to a deep seated belief that if he doesn't stand against that sort of thing, no one else will. His eagerness to engage in violence to achieve this goal serves to further distance himself from standard air nomad philosophy, which he holds in deep contempt. [color=0072bc]|Place of Origin|[/color] Northern Air Temple [color=0072bc]|History|[/color] Born at the Western Air Temple to a Nomad mother, Soro remained with her only until he was old enough to be sent to the Northern Air Temple to start learning the ways of the Air Nomads; He wasn't old enough to know his mothers actual name and has never gone back to the Western Air Temple to see her again. For many years Soro was just another air nomad student, living a free and peaceful existence while learning the thirty-six tiers of airbending, a feat he achieved at the age of fourteen and earning his tattoos to symblise his mastery of the air bending arts. Two months after being acknowledged as a master of airbending, Soro was part of a group that visited a nearby earth kingdom village in order to see the world and explore it a little. While spending a bit of time near a river that some of the locals fished at, Soro overheard the sounds of screaming and struggle nearby; Deeming that someone was in danger, he went to assist and came across an adult man doing... horrible things to an eight year old girl. Something snapped in Soro's mind at the sight; In a rage, he used his airbending to blast the man away from the small girl, slamming him into a tree hard enough to shatter both it and the man's body, killing him. Taking the girl back to the village and returning her to her family, he explained what had happened to them. Before the sun was down, Soro was considered a hero by the people of the earth village for saving the girl from a man who was wanted for several such crimes in the past. The Air Nomads saw him as a monster for taking a life, even if it was in defense of another and shunned him as an outcast. Overcome with rage at what he saw as self important hypocrisy on behalf of his former friends and peers, Soro abandoned the air nomad lifestyle in disgust. Traveling away from his former home, Soro learned how to fight from several teachers during his travels of both the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation, favoring a blade and his limbs over his former staff. Earning money as a bounty hunter, he often got into fights often with criminal elements of both nations. [color=0072bc]|Extra|[/color] A trained Air Bender, he largely uses it to increase his speed to be much higher then his size suggests. Since leaving the Air Nomads four years ago, he has dedicated himself to learning how to fight with fist, foot and blade and putting those stills to good use by acting as a bounty hunter. He firmly believes that he could potentially 'sharpen' the wind that he uses while airbending, giving himself a deadly offensive weapon once he figures out how to do it. Dinosairs. [/hider]