[b]Jason Lee Scott[/b] Walking through the door with a backpack full of games on his back, Jason inhaled a breath a air through his nose to take in the scent of the atmosphere "ahh...the scent of games" he walked through the door and got himself settled. Setting his backpack down, he reached in and pulled out several games "got every single Mario Party. And enough controllers for 4 people to play any of them" Putting them down, he went over to grab some booze "ah, there's nothing quite like drunken Mario Party" [b]Tommy Oliver[/b] Silently making his way inside. Tommy wordlessly made his way over the the pizza. After grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza, he spotted a nightmare 'are...are those pickles on a pizza!? Who...who would do something so horrible?' He spent a few moments in silence, morning for the poor pizza that was desecrated with pickles of all things, a single tear falling down his cheak