[right][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/31838705/large.gif[/img][/right] Broker sat there while Ted stood. Both were a little frozen that they were just completely ignored. By the stiffness in Ted's body, she knew he was dying for direction. But she didn't give him anything. After a few seconds he made up his own mind. He turned and extended a hand to help Broker to her feet. She gave a small nod of her head. Not out of thanks, even though that was how it looked, but of agreement he was making the right decision. If Cesare was intent on ignoring them, Broker could play at that game too. She knew names and faces. That was worth so much more than most people realized. She also knew two more names. Names of possible rivals for Cesare's little band of evil. Ted lead the way out of the pew, then Broker took the lead. Keeping Ted between her and potential danger. She still wanted to pay Argus a visit. Anyone who had information on the "good guys" was worth meeting. She might no longer be meeting on Cesare's behalf. But that didn't negate her own needs. If Argus knew anything about Mixtape, she'd pay handsomely for it. And if Cesare got his knickers in a twist... Well, Broker wasn't above fighting dirty. After all, be this all on his head. She was willing to play nice, if only for the moment. The two stepped back out into the cold. Broker snug in her fur coat once more. Liam appeared as if by magic. Broker's eyes cast over the spot where St. Frank had been with his men. Liam would have collected any items that might be of use. There was no longer a reason to linger.