[h1][center][b][color=ed1c24]The Lady in Red[/color][/b][/center][/h1] The bitter cold of winter set in as the night began. Miles of snow acros the land and nary a human soul to be seen. Alone she walked, a solitary figure obsured by her cloak, through the forest to the next village. She could see that someone had walked the path recently before her as the snow hadn't yet covered the steps. Someone fairly large and heavy, possibly wearing armor of some description. It was fairly likely that it could be a Knight of the Order given that there were Kobolds in the area. These creatures were difficult to remove completely as they seemed to breed relentlessly. Problematic as they were, She hadn't come this way in search of them. In fact she had seen signs of werewolves, or more specifically one werewolf. It was abnormally large and it's scent was much more potent than any other she had seen. She had heard of this creature several weeks back while tracking one of Aldric's underlings who was less than useful during 'interrogation' leaving her with no information regarding Aldric's whereabouts aside from the fact that he had recently travelled to southern Sweden. Given that she had no other leads she decided to vanquish this foul creature. She would have to procure some kind of silver to pierce it's heart but she didn't expect anything else to be of consequence. The tracks she had seen concerned her a bit. If a Knight of the Order were indeed tracking this creature as well it may be a bad idea to get involved. Knights of the Order were sworn to vanquish evil creatures and convincing them that she was on their side was likely impossible. She had only ever known one Knight, The Grim Knight Batur Algul. Though it was many years ago now the pain still burned in heart cold heart as if it had happened yesterday. She soon came upon the village and found that everyone was in their homes. She could hear a family in a house as she passed. [b]"Once the day comes you can visit your friend, child. You musn't go out at night. It isn't safe anymore..."[/b] Clearly she had come to the right place. The Inn was still open, it seemed that even with a ferocious beast lurking the woods men would still drink, perhaps even more so now that their lives were at risk. She had never experienced the sensation of being drunk, and honestly had no idea if she could even become drunk anymore, but she imagined it must be a great relief to a person's soul as people always seemed to be jolly while intoxicated. She stepped in softly, not wanting to draw attention. The smell of men and alcohol was strong but bearable. In truth she only came to the Inn because she wanted something sweet to drink. It was rare that she had any money to speak of and the vampire she had recently 'interrogated' no longer had need of his purse. Ruxandra sat at an empty table near the corner and waved a serving girl over. [b]"What can I get you miss?"[/b] In her terribly Romanian accent she replied. [b][color=ed1c24]"I have heard of a sweet drink served in this area made from Billberries. You wouldn't have some of that would you?"[/color][/b] The girl knew exactly what Ruxandra was talking about and hurried off to fetch some. Ruxandra noticed a rather impressive man (OOC: [color=2e3192]Thomas Pallmyr[/color]) negotiating some kind of deal with a local at the bar. This man was clearly a capable fighter by the look of him. She hadn't caught the entire converstaion but she suspected the villager might be asking for his help against the werewolf, which would be problematic if that were the case. [@OnlyThePie]