[@FantasyChic][@Apollosarcher][@Tracyarmav[@gravity22] Anya thought to herself momentarily, "Um. They might be at the diner later..speaking of which.." She said, pausing to look at the sun setting. "Oh crap I'm gunna be late! You guys can catch up if you want but I gotta get to the diner, Makarov's Diner." She told them before running off towards the diner, she knew where it was, she'd been there before. The only thing was it was a few miles from her place. Good thing she was a vampire. She ran as fast as her little vampiric legs would take her, fourty minutes later she arrived out of breath and her hair was a mess. "Damnit..I hate having to run that fast." She muttered to herself, sighing and adjusting her hair as best as possible. Catching her breath she stumbled through the door, luckily the place wasn't overly busy. Dmitri however, was no where to be seen, at-least not immediately. "Um..is Dimitri here?" She called out to anyone that would answer, leaning against the door.