Alex began to think, while hiding behind a wall so the enemy sniper couldnt get him. This was going to be tricky. His enemy was quick, and judging by his choice of weapon, had the edge in stopping power. He missed his old P94. If he had that right now, the sniper would be green goo and splattered all over the crowd. He was a soldier of the united states government. He would not be made a fool of by this...mutant! Carefully, he edged around, angling himself, so the sniper couldnt see him. He raised his rifle, and fired a single blast. He didn't aim for the sniper, but rather a second fishing boat nearby. The shot, like the previous one, burned clean through the hull and detonated the engine, sending a ball of fire into the sky. The explosion was near the snipers position, although unfortuanately, it was also near a few refugees. He swore under his breath. [i]"Damn that mutie. Making me do that."[/i] He shook his head, and scanned the snipers position with his rifle. He couldnt see him. He supposed he must have killed him, or wounded him enough to retreat. He hoped it was the former. He crouched, and spoke into his comm unit, to a different channel. [i]"This is Corporal Roniel. All resistance has been eliminated at the docks. Vertibird two, move in and give me support in pacifying the populace!"[/i]